Very Discouraged

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    I don’t post here much.  I just received my scores for FAR and AUD today.  I failed both, not barely, but miserably.  It was my first time taking both.  I am using Becker Online and doing everything that they tell you to do.  I could not believe my scores.  I figured I might fail FAR because it was my first, and I did not know what to expect.  Should I have studied harder, obviously?  I don’t feel like I don’t know the material?  I put in as many hours as I can while committed to other things like work and family.  Sometime I would work on study material, homework while at work during some down time.  For the last 3 and half months I have sacrificed many hours at night falling asleep at the computer and my weekends.  I guess I will just have to sacrifice EVERYTHING.  I never freaked out at the exams?  I thought they were challenging, but nothing I had not seen? I was told if you take Becker and do what they say, you should be prepared.  Based on my scores, I am not even in the ballpark.  I was shocked to see the results.  I scored like I did not even study it is that bad.  Is it possible to bring a score up 30 points just to pass on the next go around?  MAN I AM SO UPSET!

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  • #228947
    75 CPA

    We all fight the same demons.  I have not had a life for 2 years!  I have been humbled too!  There is no such thing as failure in the CPA grame.  There are only 17% – 25% of the people who quit!  You can take the exams again.  

    The will to prepare is vital!  Buy Yaeger (Cindy and Dr. Yaeger) for FAR and buy Lambers (Garland) for AUD.  Get back to work.  This is a long hard road.

    I took AUD, my last exam, yesterday.  There are no guarantees.  I am back writing notes today on the things that I saw in the exam.  I will not quit studying until I get a passing grade! 



    Hang in there. Most of us have failed one or more parts of this exam. I read somewhere that if it were easy, every cubicle jockey would be a CPA. It is all about determination and dedication. Lots of folks on here work and have families and know exactly what you are going through. College was a breeze compared to this; this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. 
    Don't get discouraged. You can do this if you keep at it. The next time you study, things may click a little easier and you will get more comfortable with the material. Focus on your weak areas. Practice those multiple choice questions. 
    Come on here for support.  Without this site, I seriously would have given up hope. As you will see, there are folks on here who have failed 4+ times on one section and keep going… and eventually pass.


    I just took BEC today. My first attempt at any of the CPA exam sections. I've been studying using Becker for a while. I think I did very poorly. I'm very discouraged as well. To make matters worse I reviewed my last testlet and changed an answer I had previously chosen and selected a wrong one instead. I keep trying to comfort myself by saying lots of people have taken the exams many times before passing. But that doesn't make it ok. I hope to take Reg next and then Aud (or retake BEC depending on the results).

    CPAwannabe & 75CPA, thanks for your words of encouragement. 🙁

    BEC: 74, 71, 74, 75
    AUD: 71, 74, 83
    REG: 71, 76
    FAR: (I quit) 34, 45

    BEC: 79
    AUD: 78
    REG: 67, 76
    FAR: 56 (trial run), 74, 74, 74, 80!
    Thank God. Your prayers are always answered! Do not give up. Thank you St. Joseph Cupertino.


    barnesmic – Don't get discouraged…I failed BEC and FAR the first time I took each exam.  I took a little bit of time to relax and re-evaluate my study habits and then retook BEC (February) and FAR (April)…and I managed to pass both.  I was able to increase my FAR score 30 points from the first time I took the exam to this time when I passed, so it is possible to bring your score up that mcuh.  Hang in there…and don't give up. 


    Thank you to everyone for the kind words.  After relaxing some today just to get my mind off of what I read in the mail today, I do realize it is all on me.  I know I can do this stuff.  I just did not put forth the effort I probably should have.  Pat myself on the back as I completed a section.  I took the material for granted.  I have already paid for REG and BEC sections, so I have to focus on those before I think of retaking the first two.  I do know that going forward, I am not going to try to rush this.  I guess I pressed too hard, because Becker has me so freaked out about taking the exams next year because of all the drastic changes.  I know I cannot rush this because I really do need to take my time to soak in everything especially the areas I am weaker.



    How did you bounce back and bring your score up considerably?  Was it drastic changes?  Any advice would help!


    barnesmic –

    I'm currently using Becker, I just took audit today.  I felt fairly confident in how I did.  1st test (easy) 2nd test (hard) 3rd test (medium).  Sims were medium in terms of trying to understand what they wanted. (I know i got the research right, and some tabs I got 100% right)

    My key to studying: 

    -Lectures / Notes in Book.
    -HW Problems after every component of every lecture.  Save supplementals for another time.
    -Don't study for 15 minutes here and there.  I feel that this confuses you, more than helps.  Set aside the sufficient amount of time to dedicate, and make sure it's worthwhile.  Don't zone out, fall asleep (I've done so, and I forget most of the material I read).
    -Reread the book 1 week before the exam.
    -Reread the book 1/2 week before the exam.
    -Create a “shortened” book.  (I did this for AUD only and it helped) — Last night and this morning I created a 20 page “book” of all key points I should remember.  I then read it over once 2 hours before the exam.
    -DO ALL MCQs.  It wouldn't be unheard of to see a few of them on the exam.
    -Read for the “call of the question” — I looked back a few times today and noticed I was looking for the wrong answer.
    -Don't get flustered.  Remain calm and try to eliminate possible answers.  Mark for Review then go back and re-read it later.  You might recall something after a “fresh” look.

    I passed BEC after studying for 1.5 weeks about 6-8 hours a day.  I completed about 50% of the homework.  Completing ALL the homework is crutial.  I can't reiterate this enough.

    Just my 2 cents on my own preporation method.  For audit — I studied 2 weeks approx. 6-8 hrs a day and I'm crossing my fingers on it.


    And another disclaimer on spelling and grammar 🙂  preporation hahaha — I was in that exam room too long.  —-  preparation 🙂


    <FONT face=”Times New Roman”>

    This process tests your endurance your heart and your ability to cope with pain as much as it tests knowledge.

    Some would argue that it is in fact more about endurance than anything else.

    Stay strong, stay on the road and keep moving forward.

    </FONT><FONT face=”Times New Roman”></FONT>

    BEC:84,exp'd. retest 2/28/2013 (74)



    The thing that frustrated me so much was the experience I had going from FAR to AUD.  When I sat for FAR, I experienced what a lot of people experienced.  First testlet ok.  2nd one was the same.  3rd seemed hardest.  I finished the 1st sim, and I did not finish the second one.  Thought for sure I failed.  A lot of people have said the same thing.  Some people would then come back say they were shocked they passed.  I had hope there, but in the end I failed.

    AUD absolutely shocked me.  I have experience in Audit.  1st testlet was good.  2nd one was hard, and then the 3rd one was the hardest.  Felt good.  I thought that was a good sign since it did get harder.  I completed all of the sims.  The writing situations I had experience in.  I felt, wow I cannot believe I could get so lucky…..when my scores came in, I was a little down on FAR, but I was prepared pass or fail.  When I saw I absolutely bombed Audit, I could not believe what I saw.  The sad part is they graded my SIMS weaker in AUD but I was comparable in FAR, and I did not even finish several sections in the 2nd one!  I started clicking away.  For AUD, I had PLENTY of time.  This is why I am so discouraged.  If I got a 70 for AUD, I would probably be mad, but not shocked.  A 57 though???  I absolutely have no clue what could have happened.  I read all questions slowly?  I did not think I was being tricked?  Ugh just frustrated!


    barnesmic…I think most of what I did was changed the way I studied.  Instead of taking large chunks of material at at time, I tried to break the chapters down into smaller bits and pieces and worked to understand that before moving on.  For me it worked very well since I was able to focus on one topic at a time (I broke leases up between operating and capital leases, and then capital leases between sale leasebacks, etc.). 

    I found that as much as I tried to read or review, I could only remember so much at one time.  Talking to people on here helped as well when trying to get advice.

    The best advice I was given was to never give up…no matter if you got a 50 or a 74…because if you put the time and effort in…you will pass.

    And from my point of view…don't think about the changes to the exam until you have to take that exam…hopefully you will be able to finish before the changes take effect.

    Any other questions or anything I can do to help, let me know.  We are ALL in this together.



    Don't be discouraged you will pass.  Do you have the performance analysis from the exams?  This can help you target areas  that need more work.  Try taking as many progress tests and final exams as you can.  Review the lectures and re-read the material that you are not testing as well as you want.

    Be as prepared as you can be.  Be well rested the day of the test.  Picture yourself passing the tests as you study.  Build a foundation of success during your studies.  Then the day of the exam picture youself  winning and the beast is tamed!

    There is still time to pass these exams before year end.




    My AUD experience was really weird.  It was actually my 2nd time taking it.  The first I took preparing with Gleim.  Since then I have switched to Yaeger.

    I also took BEC with Gleim the first time and retook with Yeager and made a 75, an 8 point improvement.

    With AUD, I felt very prepared, but I actually felt prepared the first time around also.

    But, when the exam came around, the 1st testlet was real easy, and I felt quite good about it.  The 2nd & 3rd were much harder.  I didn't feel secure on probably 30 questions throughout the whole exam.

    I was very discouraged!  The sims one of them I was just like What?!  The other not so bad.

    I don't geel confident at all, which is frustrating because I don't think the material is that difficult at all.  But, the Yeager instructor for AUD, was not much help at all, basically read out of the book.


    I will tell you: two years ago I made a 69 on FAR and felt positive. then, went out and made a 53 on BEC. I quit studying for two years (big mistake). Now I am 33, and it gets harder every year to have the drive and energy to stay motivated.

    I would never attempt two tests that close together. i studied for FAR about 4 solid months!!!! But I knew going in there was no way I would fail. If I had, then it's tough to say I could have stuck with the plan. I would have most likely given up forever.

    Take one at a time. Good news: I still remembered stuff from two years ago!! It is much easier to retake (in my expereience) when you are comfortable on the testing methodology. I used BECKER this time, passing FAR, AUD, and waiting on BEC.

    I took Gleim two years ago and felt like it sucked big time. I say two months of solid studying, most every night, at least 3-4 hours a night is realistic for each separate exam. i study at least twice recommneded time, becuase I dont want to retake. YOu should be reading the chapters twice, and preferably three times. Reading is THAT important!!!!!!!!!

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