Tricks to Communication and Research

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  • #157259

    Hello, I am wondering if there are any tricks to do well on the communication and research part of the simulation? I am currently working on FAR and using Becker’s 2009 Material. I do not see any examples provided by becker nor does Becker tell you how to effectively research a topic, do we just have to know the topic and know how to write a memo to the management team by nature? Thanks in advance.

    FAR(61,73,73,74,76) REG-81 AUD(61,64,58) BEC(71,77)

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  • #217733

    I have generally scored well on my communications. I think the key is to carefully read back over what you write, and be sure it would make sense to a different person. There is a certain amount of understanding needed to score high, but the main objective is to include all the details the exam is looking for. After reading the situation, there should be a list of three or four items that the scorer is looking for in your answer. Be sure to hit on as many of those topics as possible, and you should do well.


    Make sure that you leave yourself enough time for both simulations. I set a schedule while studying the day before, and write my schedule on the scratch paper during the ten minutes that is allotted at the start. I try and stay on schedule for each testlet and simulation. Depending on the exam I will leave between 45 and 65 minutes for each simulation. I usually try to do the research first and then the communication.

    Most recent scores
    BEC-80, FAR-79
    REG-73 - 2/19/2011
    AUD-74 - April 2011


    Evan is right. I did the same thing so I would know when to cut my losses on a testlet an move on. I calculated 45 minutes per sim, but I really needed an hour for each. Always start with the Written Communications and skip the Research tab if it takes too long. It is supposedly only worth a point or two. Use spellcheck! My WC were never that bad as far as difficulty but they are mainly looking for grammar and how well you communicate.


    Thanks for all your comments.

    FAR(61,73,73,74,76) REG-81 AUD(61,64,58) BEC(71,77)


    On my FAR exam, I used the research page to try to help find the answers to the communication portion. For example, if they ask what the difference between Cash Basis and Accrual Basis accounting is, you can look up the definition of revenue and/or expense. Or if they ask you what kind of internal controls you would recommend to a small business, look up the purpose of internal controls and reference them and then try to think of specific controls that will fulfill those purposes. If they ask you about substantive analytics in an Audit exam, and how you would use them to mitigate risks, you can even look that up in the accounting literature.

    If you are able to find information in your research tab that directly speaks to the question you are being asked, then you are golden. Not only do you get to sound really smart by referencing the authoritative reference number (although they will make sure that you are keeping your audience in mind so if you are writing to a client, you don't want to just throw APB and FAS #'s at them) but you can also be 100% certain that what you are saying is factual. Plus authoritative reference automatically includes those keywords that I know the examiners are looking for.


    Becker's help with the research portion comes from the keywords that are in grey boxes by each key topic. If you use these words in the research tabs it will bring you to the related issue. As far as the communication goes, I've been told by Becker instructors that the quality of your writing is generally more important than the answer to the question. If you get a topic that you have no idea on, try to research it in the research tab and then whatever you come up with be sure to write about it eloquently. This portion of the exam was added to make sure that CPA's have a professional level of communication skills.

    REG-95 BEC-93 FAR-90 AUD-99

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