Took FAR today

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  • #159813

    So, I just got back from the testing center.

    Wow. I think those TBS might have done me in.

    The first testlet was medium difficulty. Second testlet was difficult, and took me a while to chew through. Third testlet was easier than the second.

    I did not manage my time well. I started the TBS with 1 hour left on the clock. I reviewed each of the 7 tabs, then got to work. Of the seven tabs, I feel good about 3, so so on 2, and bad on the remaining 2.

    I felt good about the multiple choice questions – even the difficult testlet. I studied using Becker. I am disappointed in my performance on the TBS. Ultimately, I spent too long on the MCQs, and not long enough on the TBS.

    Now the wait begins…

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82

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  • #281364

    You probably did fine. Your other scores show that you know how to defeat this thing. I took FAR last week. It's impossible to know how you did. I don't remember having any quote “hard” questions. Or maybe they just weren't “hard” to me. Hopefully so…..Either way, I gave it my all. Now the wait begins. Well, for me waiting and studying. For you….just waiting. Good luck!


    I took FAR this morning (2/28). I also started TBS with one hour left. Didn't get enough time to finish all 7 sims. I had to guess my way through most of them. Now we all have to wait for the score to come out. Does anyone know when they will release the score for this window?


    Took FAR today too……exhausted.

    IL BEC - 82 / REG - 86 / AUD - 76 / FAR - 2/28


    I just took FAR today (2/28/2011). This was my last part!!!!!I have to say I felt great about the M/C. I think the 1st testlet was fairly easy(if thats possible), 2nd got a little harder, and the 3rd was maybe medium. As you all have posted I too started the TBS with 1 hr left. It was not that the M/C questions were hard but the fact that sometimes I would answer the question then go back and look at all the answers again. I also received some questions that were really wordy. I feel like if you worked all of the questions in Becker at least twice you should have felt confortable with the M/C/

    The TBS seemed to be 90% J/Es. I knew a lot of the information but it was a lot of information to read thru before you could solve the problems. More tiime I would not have had a problem with the questions presented. Did anyone experience the exam moved extremely slow in between tabs in the Testlet/TBS? I finished 5 out of the 7. Hopefully some of them were not counted. I wish they still did the written communication b/c I use to pick up points on those tabs if I got confused on other parts of the SIMS.

    AUD – 80, BEC – 76, REG – 81, FAR – 2/28/2011


    Hey yall-I went into the TBS with an hour and a half to work the multiple tabs. The 1st tab I was really able to work my questions easily and review them thoroughly. 2nd tab I was rushed and still reviewed and the 3rd tab I was rushed and quickly reviewed.Easy-Difficult-Medium Difficult Yes, moving between tabs in the TBS took forever. I feel much better about the simulation this time vs my first try at FAR. On my 1st try-I did not answer one single sim (I did not study the journal entries). I completed the communications and thats it. This time I focused more on it. Man this waiting game is killing me:> On the bright side-I am not studying for anything….

    REG-90, BEC-75, FAR-73 (02/12/2010--Waiting for results), AUD-88


    Ya felt great last night to do nothing…this morning listen to radio instead of boring stomach still aches like from.nerves tho



    For those of you who had problems with the TBS, how did y'all end up doing? I don't think I did horribly on the multiple choice part, but the TBS was a different story. I completely bombed one because I didn't know how to do it, and another one could have gone either way. Assuming I bombed 2 of the 7 TBS, how much room do y'all think I have for other errors (in both other TBS and multiple choice). Thanks for your response.


    Good question jvizzle, I am curious too. I am in the same situation as you and really felt the TBS hurt my chances because I had no idea on one of them and unfortunately left myself with a short clock.

    REG - 81 (2/2)
    BEC - 87 (2/28)
    FAR - 76 (4/18)
    AUD - 75 (5/20)


    Anyone take in 2010 and 2011? Just curious if you felt there were less calculation problems since they changed the TBS and MC %s? In October when I took FAR I got blasted with tons of calculations which caused me to fall short on time. I think they should have taken the 30 minutes from Auditing and given it to FAR.



    Hey all,

    Are the TBS in FAR like they are in AUD – everything is a drop down box?

    BEC - 83 (10/22/10)
    REG - 87 (11/30/10)
    AUD - 76 (02/26/11)
    FAR - 79 (04/26/11)


    @ wantmylifeback

    From what I remember, they were drop downs and calculations. There were 2 or 3 where I had no clue what they were talking about. I was hoping they were pretest questions. Either way, I did not pass. However, I did not devote the amount of time I needed to simulations while studying.


    thanks jejohns721!

    BEC - 83 (10/22/10)
    REG - 87 (11/30/10)
    AUD - 76 (02/26/11)
    FAR - 79 (04/26/11)

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