Took FAR on 8/23 – Ugly, Ugly Test

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  • #158484

    I took FAR this past Monday (8/23). I had been studying with Becker material for about 2 months. I got tested extremely heavily on 2 chapters from Becker (accounted for vast majority of the MCQs).

    I think that I did well on the first testlet because the second testlet was a beast. I don’t think that I did well on the second testlet though because the third testlet seemed much easier than the second.

    One sim was pretty straight forward, but I literally had not idea what to do on the second sim.

    The most discouraging part about this test was that literally no question from Becker applied to anything on this exam. I must have received the worst draw of questions possible. Did anyone else experience this?

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  • #239179

    I didn't experience it. I took FAR on 8/18/10. My first testlet was easy. Second was harder & the 3rd was a beast. All on theories I've seen (I use Yaeger) but very difficult. Still think I did ok. The SIMs completely thru me. I had no clue on any of them. I think my communication was ok on one but the rest of them I guessed. Good luck man, there are a bucn of people who walk out of the test feeling like they failed but in fact passed so you may have done better than you thought.



    Man I hope I dont get F2 its my weakest subject

    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88


    This is really discouraging to see. I used Becker and did not experience this at all. I did not see one single MC question on my exam that I did not feel prepared for.

    One of the simulations was just awful and I'd be surprised if I got anything right on any of the tabs.

    I felt 100% prepared for the written communication.

    Anyway, some of those questions could have been pretest. Sounds to me like you did well enough to pass! Best of luck.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    i took FAR in early aug. and my mcq's were brutal. 1st sim was a monster, didn't know what they were wanting me to do on all but one tab. 2nd sim no clue either, i actually figured one tab out with 5 minutes left but didn't have enough time to do it. both wc were on topics i wasn't familiar with so my bs skills came into play. i figure out off the 30 points for the sims i maybe got 8 points. because of the mcq's i only left 30min for each sim. just goes to show that sims don't mean crap. i must have rocked the mcq's, i marked 36 total for review during them so i wasn't very comfortable with my answers.

    AUD 81, REG 65 78, BEC 75, FAR 71 85(8/3/2010)


    I had the same experience you did and I passed šŸ™‚

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    I was so sure I failed. I had a bunch of flagged questions and got confused on the first simulation and wasted a lot of time doing it wrong! I just check my score yesterday and got an 80! Phew~

    FAR: 80(7/23), AUD: 81(8/31), REG: 84(11/12), BEC: 75(11/30),73




    I took FAR today, and it was my first time.

    first testlet…okay

    second testlet…killed me šŸ™

    third testlet…was okay again…

    I know that the MCQs are adaptive so once I was on the third testlet, I freaked out because it got easier. The sims were not good either. I completely left one tab in the first sim blank…i had no clue. I also left one of the research question blank.

    I was shocked at the level of detail required on topics that had very little coverage (in the Wileys book and cd) to answer some of the questions.

    FAR chewed me up and spat me out! I'm probably going to get nightmares on what it's like having to take it in 2011. I am glad to hear that there are people out there who felt the same with the adaptive testlets difficulty not going from medium to hard and harder.

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