Took FAR 11/29 - Page 4

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  • #159267

    It is as if AICPA was watching my laptop while i was studying…Got heavily hit with obscure topics that becker mentions for few seconds. One particular topic that is only 10 minutes on Becker that i hadn’t paid attention to had like 20 questions on it…and the stuff i killed my self studying was never tested… i was surprised by how few topics were tested.

    1st testlet: Difficult, wordy from the get go..i always hear folks say my 1st testlet was easy but this wasn’t easy..the system was automatically set up to throw me the hard ones first….i was rushing as well as i planned on 40 minutes.

    2nd testlet: Easier than 1st, of medium complexity, less wordy and mostly theory.

    3rd testlet: felt like the second testlet.

    SIMS: JE’s, as tough as expected but i think i killed the WC on both and am sure i got 1 research if not both.

    Overall, i will be shocked if i pass, this is the first exam that i didn’t even look up one question after i left the test center….Granted i have been borderline on all the other ones i passed,but i gave it my best shot and am just happy to reconnect with my family and at least won’t think about these exams at least for the next four weeks.

    Good luck on anyone about to sit for their exams.

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  • #267518

    Congrats Icanpass, 75 is the bullseye of CPA scores,especially for FAR.


    Well, not so lucky today…guess I need to change my screen name now. 🙁

    FAR – 72

    My new study materials arrive tomorrow – ordered them last week. I was THAT certain it was < 75.

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂



    You'll get it next time! You're so close. Almost done.


    @LSUCPA congrats for beating the beast!

    @CPAWannaBe congrats you made it this time!

    @2010Please you can do it! You almost made it so you will get it next time! Cheer up!FAR can be defeated!

    I am still waiting for my score and hope to get it today! Praying for a 75!

    BEC 2/8/10 - 75 (studied hard & prayed less)
    REG 5/15/10 - 88 (studied less but prayed hard)
    AUDITING 8/9/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard)
    FAR 11/30/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard) Thanks GOD! I'm DONE


    Hey All- Still waiting on my score… Im from CA… unbelievable… I am so stressed out!

    REG - 87 (8/27/2010)
    FAR- 84 (11/22/2010)
    BEC - 84 (2/19/2011)
    AUD - Waiting (took on 5/14/2011)

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