Took FAR 11/29 - Page 3

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  • #159267

    It is as if AICPA was watching my laptop while i was studying…Got heavily hit with obscure topics that becker mentions for few seconds. One particular topic that is only 10 minutes on Becker that i hadn’t paid attention to had like 20 questions on it…and the stuff i killed my self studying was never tested… i was surprised by how few topics were tested.

    1st testlet: Difficult, wordy from the get go..i always hear folks say my 1st testlet was easy but this wasn’t easy..the system was automatically set up to throw me the hard ones first….i was rushing as well as i planned on 40 minutes.

    2nd testlet: Easier than 1st, of medium complexity, less wordy and mostly theory.

    3rd testlet: felt like the second testlet.

    SIMS: JE’s, as tough as expected but i think i killed the WC on both and am sure i got 1 research if not both.

    Overall, i will be shocked if i pass, this is the first exam that i didn’t even look up one question after i left the test center….Granted i have been borderline on all the other ones i passed,but i gave it my best shot and am just happy to reconnect with my family and at least won’t think about these exams at least for the next four weeks.

    Good luck on anyone about to sit for their exams.

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  • #267503

    I feel everyone's pain. I took the exam on 11/29 as well and my exam experience was a bit different. First 30 questions were surprisingly easy, 2nd testlet was just a bit wordier with obscure topics that I would not be able to answer if it weren't for my job (Financial Reporting), and the third testlet was the same as the first two. Simulations were brutally long, a ton of JE's on the first one, and obscure topics on the second. I came out of it feeling very well but now two things freighten me (i) the test should get progressively harder if your doing well (which it did not) and (ii) I am a firm believer if you want to pass you need to get the “gimme questions” relatively simple one liners correct. I remember three questions vividely that just had a twist to the way theyw ere asked but were realitevely simple and I got 2 out of the 3 wrong. This si my last test andf my other two parts expire in March. Has anyone come out of this beast thinking they did “ok/good.” I think i would feel better if i had received a difficult test (like many of you have) as this should be an indication of the way you are performing. I HOPE WE ALL PASS!!! Let me know your thoughts.


    What the heck happened on 11/29? My goodness. I felt like they were playing a cruel joke and don't want me to pass, however, I see that there are many people that share my pain. I'm not the crying type (not overly emotional) but I did feel like shedding a tear or two after the exam. Very, very obscure topics were covered, multiple times. A lot of J/E's. I did feel good about the WC part though, and I did get to finish both sims (amazingly I started with 1hr and 20mins, wrote a ton, and still got it done). I believe it was due the adrenaline from the panic and worry of the MC. I rushed through the 3rd testlet to have enough time for the sims. The questions were so wordy!!! I need to pass this one so that I can take my last part (2 parts expire in June 2011)!!! I studied so hard, was consistently redoing the progress tests in Becker and was getting a great average overall, but didn't stress the small little details. I could've skipped chp's 1-2 and 9, focused on the minor details….

    B - 78 11/09
    A - 84 10/09
    R - 85 05/11
    F - 86 11/10



    I had 2 really easy questions that I looked at over and over again while studying and just froze when I got in my test. I went home and looked them up, and sure enough, I picked the wrong answer. Because of those 2 questions, I'm convinced, I failed. They are going to look at me test and say, “Well, if she doesn't know that, then she doesn't deserve to pass.”


    @FARbehind I hope you pass too. This exam was just strange and somewhat sadistic…don't let it affect how you feel about yourself.

    @LSU_BR. Thanks for your words of encouragement…and am praying for a pass for you on REG too.

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    @LSUCPA – Don't make me come over there! lol. You did not fail because of 2 questions.

    @2010 – I will keep you in my prayers too. 🙂

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    @LSU_BR And you didn't fail REG. Don't make ME come over THERE!


    LMAO – “negative Nancy”

    See atleast we can still laugh.

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    Post Traumatic Test Syndrome: I love this diagnosis. I totally had that: I coudn't sleep for 2 consecutive nights after the exam, constant headache, etc…

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    Same here FARbehind. I was sleep deprived before and after. Ugh!



    Now I'm wondering.

    Will they go back to a more normal test format or should I expect more of the same?

    BEC:84,exp'd. retest 2/28/2013 (74)




    I hope they don't have another exam like this in 2011. I don't think I can handle it and IFRS.

    Maybe the AICPA passed too many candidates in Wave 1 so they made Wave 2 impossible to pass in order to get their 47% passing rate for Q4.

    It will be interesting to see what we all score on this exam.


    Ha…I had already wondered the same thing CPAWannaBe. I noticed there was a high pass rate for FAR in the 3rd qtr, so I wondered if the AICPA was trying to reduce the passing candidates in the end of this quarter to balance. Certainly felt like something was up. But,then again, I am an auditor, so I tend to exhibit a hint of “professional skepticism.” 😉

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    Hey All- I took far on 11/22… I used becker CPA to prep for it and feel like I have no idea what to expect once my score is posted. I took REG and walked out of it fairly confident that I had passed… this one though haha we'll have to see.

    I finished the three MCQ with about 1 hour and 45 mins to spare for the simulations. The MCQ were really tough (though I felt like I was working through them in the same manner as what I did for Becker…) and I felt that I had a few gimme's here and there…

    Once I got to the first simulation, there were 5 unique scenarios on the tabs and each one was a monster…. I filled it out as best I could and looked at the clock and had 35 mins for the second simulation. I did the communication first for it (both communications I felt fine on) and then moved through the tabs of it… FINISHED WITH 10 SECONDS TO SPARE!

    We will just have to see :/ I agree with all of you though… We will have to see what happens later this month!

    Good luck all!

    REG - 87 (8/27/2010)
    FAR- 84 (11/22/2010)
    BEC - 84 (2/19/2011)
    AUD - Waiting (took on 5/14/2011)


    Want to wish good luck to all still waiting. I ended passing with a 75!

    BEC & REG & AUD Passed FAR Studying


    you passed? congrats! and hopefully you passed off some good luck to the rest of us wailing about that hard FAR exam

    BEC - 79
    REG - Jan 2011
    FAR - Retake
    AUD - Retake

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