Took AUD this morning…

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  • #158878

    I took auditing this morning. I felt pretty prepared (much more so than with FAR) and I am cautiously optimistic that it went well.

    After close to 1500 multiple choice questions there were not any that I wasn’t prepared for, which was definitely a good thing. The first testlet was medium, second one much harder, and the third a good mix of hard and medium. Hopefully this will translate into a confidence booster and my first pass. I certainly need it after a 67 on FAR in August, which I am retaking in 2 weeks.

    I need a good study plan for a 2 week final review to get me over the hump on my FAR retake. Any suggestions are much appreciated. I think last time I got bogged down in the little things, but this time I need to get back to basics and hit the concepts hard.

    Please share your thoughts.



    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75


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  • #254999
    I can do it cpa

    Sounds like you did really well on your AUD! I hope I will be able to say the same after I take mine next weekend! Practicing numerous multiple choice questions seems like the best way to get prepared for AUD!

    FAR-80 |BEC-85 |REG-72,82|AUD-81 |Ethics-Done
    Getting it done in 2010! -> GOT IT DONE IN 2010


    I felt the same exact way after the AUD exam. Not like FAR, where I was the walking dead after that test. But with AUD I actually felt pretty good about it.

    Maybe it was the lack of number crunching? Not sure. But here's to all of us hoping to pass AUD! Cheers!

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