Time to Study???

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  • #157761

    I am preparing for the exam and am having a lot of trouble finding time to study.  I have 6 week old twins and a very demanding job, and just can’t seem to squeeze in the 16 hours per week I’m looking to.  Any suggestions??

    I’ve tried early in the morning, but most of the time I’ve been up all night with the kids and couldn’t concentrate if I wanted to.

    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75


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  • #228676

    What are your hours for work? and weekend routine?


    Hi!  You have alot on your plate.  I have 3 children (ages 5, 9 &12) and although my goal is studying 15-20 hours each week, in reality it doesn't usually work that way!  I do what I can and if that means I study a couple extra weeks to feel comfortable then that's what I do.  Also, I try to make sure my study time is very effective – ie- try to stay off the internet. Congratulations on the twins!  Good Luck!  ðŸ™‚


    BShep ha detto: What are your hours for work? and weekend routine?

    8am to 5pm M-F. I try to sqeeze in 4 hours on Sat. and 2 on Sun., with the remaining 10 hours done throughout the week.  I'm only in my second week, but last week I was lucky to get 1-1.5 hours done per weekend and 2 per day on the weekend.

    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75



    You got a tough schedule.  I would take an excel spreadsheet and create a daily schedule of everything you do for each day of the week.  Start blocking out the time periods that you must do other things such as work, travel to and from work, take care of your kids, sleep, etc.

    Once you have that made, start to look at your free available hours each week.  You have to be realistic w/ yourself.  16 hrs per week may realistically not be possible w/ your schedule.

    Once you find your free time in your schedule which you can study, you absolutely must use that time as effectively as possible.

    I don't have any kids so I have more free time then you do.  I am however extremely familiar w/ distractions.  I can turn 4 hours of studying into an all day event – literally.  I can afford those distractions in my schedule, but I don't think you can.  You need to find a place to study w/ no interuptions or distractions.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Hi millerg.  I completely understand the situation you are in.  I have a 3 and 2 year old and work full time in a demanding job.  I am lucky enough to carpool with my husband so I get about 2 hours of study time in on our commute each day.  Plus I study for an hour over my lunch break while all of my colleagues go to lunch.  After the kids are in bed, I do some light studying in the evening.  Weekends I study for about 3 hours each day or 6 hours total.  I literally have ear plugs that I use so I can be in the same room with my kids.  I don't think it is fair if I lock myself in the other room without them.  In addition, I use their afternoon nap to get my studying in.  Basically, there is absolutely no rest or free time in my life.  This is what I have done for a year now.  I just sat for the last section yesterday so it is almost done.  Keep it up millerg….you will find time.  You are going to be able to tell this story to the twins when they are older.  They will want to be strong and successful just like their mommy!  That is what keeps me going when I want to stop….I want my girls to learn that they can accomplish anything if they set their mind to it! 

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    Hey everyone, I have the opposite problem.  I just started studying this week for July15 FAR.  Well, I am trying to figure out the best way to study.  So far I have been reading the material then watching the DVD (Yaeger) to get a better under standing of what I read.  Then I do the questions.  Well, my question is, since the most important thing is to get as much practice with the questions, would it be adventageous to read all the material and watch all the DVDs first and leave the last 5 weeks for just multiple choice questions and simulations?  Or would it be best to keep the schedule I have with reading, then dvd, then questions (every week)?  Any suggestions and feedback is appreciated:)

    *formerly known as tiffanygharrington* FAR-7/10, AUD-8/10, BEC-10/10, REG-11/10


    I have a similar situation…I have 3 kids 10, 4, 2, work full-time and my husband works away from the home every other month.

    When he is home I try to stay late at work at least one night a week.  When he is not , I try to study at least 2 hours after the kids go to bed.  They usually go to bed around 8:30, then on the weekends I study while the younger two are napping.

    It takes me longer to study than others, but that's part of it.

    Just do as much as you can, and take the time you need.

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