Sufficient Time for FAR with 13 days left?

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  • #159013

    Hi experts

    I just started F6 and just wondering if I have enough time to cover F7-F9 with only 13 days left?

    So many Materials to cover, whats the best way to memorize?

    I don’t know why despite there are so much material

    the passing rate is higher for FAR than BEC (least material)

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  • Author
  • #255843

    O, PS: working full time Mon to Fri


    Just started F6 as your first time through or you're in review mode and you've already seen it all once?

    I spent about 2 weeks just reviewing the entire book and redoing MCQ. Everybody is different mind you.

    The material in FAR besides sections F8 & F9 is probably more familiar than some of the Bec Info: IT, econ, and cost accounting we all managed to pass in college.

    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting


    unfortunately, my first time on F6


    I would suggest to try and finish it up asap and give yourself at least a week of review, maybe try and get through one section every 2 days and that way you'll have a week of review.

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    You can do it if you kiss A@@ on the weekends and make sure you get quality time at night.(go to the library, coffee shop, or some place you can focus) You can do it!!!

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE


    I have FAR in 15 days, and I just started chapter 6 for the first time as well! I have a few friends who have passed all their parts and they said it is possible, but you have devote EVERY extra second you have to it… Study for around 4 hours/night and 10/day on the weekends, I do multiple choice at work when I'm not busy & review my flash cards on the bus to and from work… I even just made posters of important information and hung them in my room so I can quickly review them at night and in the morning when I am getting ready for work. Maybe try spending less time on the lectures, just get them all done & if you don't understand them 100%, you can go back and review when you are done with lectures ch 1-9.

    You can definitely do it, it's a lot of work but don't give up hope!!



    I would say if you can stick with it you can do it! No matter the circumstances there is always a way to do it.

    I started F7 with about 16 days to go until exam, mostly because work and such really messed with my study schedule.

    My method – Which is probably not the right one, nor am I saying it will work for other people- was this:

    I went through F7 in detail and when I did the homework/lecture/review I wrote out everything I could about it. That way everything stuck the first time. I really breezed through 8/9, even though that is a good-sized chunk of the exam I aimed for a high-level knowledge of governmental/NFP by knowing the most important topics, and things that repeated on the MCQ (i really learned most of this from doing MCQ's). I did this all in about 4 days. The next couple week I reviewed 1-6 as in-depth as I possibly could given me daily time alloweances (I'm not a big study all night person, I would say i probably did 5 hours after work). I then glanced over 7/8/9 in a quick once-over fashion to reabsorb whatever would stick.

    I probably should have looked at 8/9 a lot more than I did, but time is enemy #1 with this exam.

    You guys can knock it out! Best of luck!


    F6 was short but takes a really really long time to digest, especially deferred tax…really confusing

    today, with 10 days left i m starting F7

    I really believe i m soooo lack of time, I m taking a dayoff tomorrow just to study F7, hopefully I can handle F8 and F9 and enuf time for me to do review


    kobe- if you can finish that up by your first run through by the end of the week, you still have a week left for review!! You can do it!!! Sunday night if you can get a simulated test in to address your weak areas and take one every 2 days or so to adjust… It's going to be a long next week, but it will be worth it to say your done with two exams and can relax somewhat over thanksgiving… best of luck!!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96

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