Strategy During Test?

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  • #158912

    Just wondering what people’s strategy is during the test. Here is my strategy.

    For each MC testlet:

    I work through all the theory questions first. If a question appears that I need to perform any math I check mark it and come back to it after I have finished all of the theory questions. I feel this works best because I only allot myself so much time per testlet. Doing it this way lets me know if I can spend an extra minute on a hard computational problem because I know I’m through with all of the theory questions (which I can usually work through faster).

    For each simulation:

    I work through each of the “problem type” tabs, then the research, and then the WC. I save the WC for last because that usually takes the most time (at least for me). If I’m stumped on a WC I use the research tab to help clue me in and give me ideas to write about.

    What is your strategy??

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  • Author
  • #255080

    I go through the MCQ's one by one while alloting myself a set amount of time for the testlet itself with a little variance. I like to leave about 35-40 min per SIM, but I usually have more time than this (exception – FAR, had to rush through the end of the second and third testlet to keep time).

    For the sims I always do the WC first, if I can think of a good response right off. If I do not know what they want I just let it simmer and move on. I will do the research second, easy points… Then I will attempt the other tabs one by one sarting at the beginning of course. If I skipped the WC I will go back to it, read it again and then try to put something into words. A lot of times I will go do some research just to get some key words that might be helpful to use…

    Pretty simple and it has worked so far…

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    I'm a very linear-minded person so I go through each question in order, no exceptions, no going back, including the SIM's. I start with the first tab and move my way to the right. As far as time I just do each problem as fast as humanly possible. If I don't know it, I don't sit there and think about it but take as educated of a guess as possible and move on.

    Exception to the rule occurs if I figure out LATER in the SAME testlet that I was wrong on an earlier question (remember a certain formula later or whatever) then I'll go back and switch my answer but that is the only time I'll do that. No checking questions after I've finished them in general.

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)

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