So I took FAR yesterday - Page 2

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  • #157587


    I actually feel ok…still not sure if I passed but here is my feedback on the exam…would love to know if the more experienced here think I have a shot of passing…

    The MC’s

    Like everyone said, the first section was clear cut…i only had three questions I even marked for review…im guessing that i probably got at least 25 correct possibly more.

    Second testlet..well since ive been coming here i looked for this one to be harder to gauge progress…and…i felt like it shifted to more complicated topics and was a little more wordy with questions with maybe a trick or two…i was real comfortable with this section as well so i would say I could have gotten 25 right…i did have more marked for review…like 7 or 8,,i hope i am not projecting and just thinking this was harder cause i wanted to be doing well.

    Thirs testlet…definetely harder but again i could hang…i marked nearly half for review and a question showed up that was pretty obscure and I remember when studying thinking that if this topic comes up in three i would think i was doing well…hopefully its not me projecting again…all in all i think i would have gotten 70-75 of the questions correct possibly more.

    Now on to the sims…..well someone posted before that they had taken FAR recently and saw some tough sims…i know what they are talking about now

    I wont be specific but both were long an both had every tab as a different topic…I am sure I got the written part done well on both of them and then I am pretty sure i clicked the right reference on those tabs.

    As for the questions on the tabs…it was up and down….the first one i was pretty comfortable with a lot of the material and prob got like 75% of calculation tabs correct..the second one was tougher so im thnkin like 50-55% correct….so i am hoping if they throw one out its the second.

    so to summarze

    estimate roughly 70-75 questons correct in the mcs

    estimate both writing and research tabs full points

    sim one estimate 75% of calculation tab correct

    sim two etimate 50-55% of calculaton tab correct

    does anyone think I might have passed?



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  • #228071

    did they let you know via email? or do we have to wait for regular mail

    I had thought I saw a post where someone said they kept logging into a nasba site to see if their score updated.

    Is there anywhere to get this online or is this really just check a check your mail every day thing



    i took FAR today and had the same situation with the sims – the tabs were all about different things and werent related to each other at all

    (i passed REG and AUD and i seem to remember the tabs in those sims were somewhat related to each other)

    it threw me off for a bit


    Hey End

    I think I got by on the sims altho I wonder what amount correct would be considered in line with what other students who passed got.

    i didnt count out the number of spaces that needed to be filled but for each of the 2 sims I would say there were like 50 boxes that needed to be filled……so for 2 sims I would say about 100 boxes total had to be filled for 20 points (im not counting the written section), so my take is its basically 2 tenths of a point per correct box filled out.

    I am really kind of wondering how many correct would be considered an average passing students amount.

    I probably got like 80% of them correct on the first one and like 60-65% of them correct on the second and I did manage to answer everything….so my worry still is…. is that enough to at least match what a passing student got for that section

    guess i wont know til i get my results

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