SO Frustrated with People and Demands while Trying to Study - Page 2

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  • #158998

    I am studying for my final section of this exam (BEC), scheduled for two weeks from now, and lately it’s been so gosh darn impossible to find any time for quiet study. Whether it’s demands at work or home, my time is bombarded by things for which I didn’t plan. Just today, I lost over three hours of time I had planned to use for studying when the local pharmacy didn’t have the prescription for one of my kids, and I ended up running all over town. I hope to make up for it burning the midnight oil tonight and getting up extra early tomorrow. Meanwhile, work responsibilities keep piling up.

    Tomorrow, my parents are stopping by to pick up a lawn sweeper they loaned us, and they know I’m studying for this exam. Since they will be traveling over an hour to get here, I’m sure they will stay and visit for a while, and I just don’t feel like it! They’re both retired and have nothing but leisure time on their hands. I’m so tired of everyone else’s agenda having priority over mine right now. Tomorrow is the only day during the week when I get any quiet study time alone whatsoever. My kids are in school, and I do my job responsibilities at home. My frustration level is really high.

    I can see that I’ll need to set some boundaries with people around me. I’ve tried, but apparently, I’ve been ineffective, i.e. not assertive enough.

    I love my job, family and friends, but there’s no way I want to have to sit for an exam section again simply because I didn’t devote enough study time the first time around.

    Guess I’m just looking for a bunch of your shoulders to cry on . . .

    Thanks for listening,


    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)

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  • #255781

    very true that we all live in our own realities. just like in life, who's to say they've got it harder then another person? a situation 1 person may be going through may not even be a big deal to another, we all go through tuff times we consider tuff.

    i don't explain how difficult this exam is or the time commitment it takes to other non-candidates, they just don't understand. believe it or not i've also heard the cosmotology license thing and have been made fun of for failing from an undergrad who's been an undergrad for 15 yrs, going on 16yrs now. until they actually study for this exam they will never understand it like we understand it.

    if it ain't 1 thing it's 50,000,000 others, i guess that's one of the things that makes this exam hard…we all have lives!!!!

    jan – you are super woman!! a higher being is just testing you to show you how tuff you really are. you will get through this exam, you have already overcome greater obsticles in your life

    CPAwannabe – CPA-hole??? I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Ohh, is Jan a woman? I thought he is a dad… Everytime I read your posts I imagine the person somehow and it is really dissapointing if they turn out to be very different from what I imagined…. lol

    Florida, what is LMFAO? I am a foreigner here.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    Wow, guys, thanks for all the responses!

    CPAsomeday – It sure is hard to say “no” to family events, etc., especially if you are getting guilt tripped, but I think it's okay to set boundaries with others, as long as it is done in a respectful way. Hope it all works out for you and boyfriend – you deserve your CPA and your guy!

    whitesoxfancpa – Don't worry – no offense taken. I feel better today, after a good night's sleep. You're right that I have no time to waste with a pity party. I do keep up a good attitude most of the time. Thanks for giving me a shove in the right direction.

    Florida_Candidate – With these exams, I agree that it's hard to know where the line is for overstudying. But as you said, better safe than sorry. I generally put my best effort into everything I do. I'm not sure I know how to back off on effort. I'm aiming for a 99 and hoping for a 75.

    CPAWannaBe – Oh, I appreciate your post so much. I am so humbled by your honesty and candid thoughts on this forum. I know that you're a mom too and that you've learned how to persevere through this process. I am fortunate to have passed a couple of sections so far, and I apologize for complaining yesterday. I was in a stressed and exhausted state, and I just felt overwhelmed. I hope I didn't bring anybody down. I think your dedication and effort are going to pay off in big ways for you – not just with this exam, but in life generally. I know you're working on FAR, and if there is anything I can help with, just drop me an e-mail. I LOVE your new term, “CPA-Hole”! That's hilarious! Ha! Ha!

    Bryn333 – Taking a day off work to study definitely gets in some extra hours. This weekend is daylight savings time, and it's pretty sad that I'm thinking, “Yeah! That's another hour to study!” Oh brother!

    FARbehind – Yes, I'm a woman – LOL! So sorry if that disappoints you. :o) Sounds like you're getting more empathy from those around you, so that's good. Best wishes for passing this bugger the next time you sit.

    nolifecpa – Thanks for the encouragement. I definitely feel better today. No more whining! My game face is on, and I'm ready to roll!

    Update – My parents came to visit and spent about an hour and a half here this morning. I enjoyed seeing them, and I didn't allow myself to stress about missed study time. I'll make up for it somehow.

    Thanks again, everyone!

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    L – aughing

    M – y

    F – *^%&*

    A – $$

    O – ff

    Add this to the naughty mnemonics we have going.

    Maybe Jan is a man. I assumed Jan is woman because what man does all that (balances it all) ?? LMFAO!


    I have found that “CPA exam outsiders” are more able to relate to the fact that we may have to purchase additional review materials and pay for each part of the exam every time we take it then to the difficulty of the exam. Next time someone tries to downplay the difficulty just ask them if they plan on giving you the $200 to take it again, they clam up real quick πŸ˜‰ And CPAWannaBe, I so look forward to the day that I can say “How in the hell did I do that,” especially with a 2 year old running around?

    I appreciate all of the encouragement!!

    BEC 10/11/2010 77
    AUD 11/30/2010 81
    REG 02/25/2011 78
    FAR 11/28/2011 74,68, 83 and DONE!!! NTS LA #460


    I'm glad I'm not taking a cosmetology exam! You should see the number I did on the wig for my Tim Lincecum (SF Giants) pumpkin for Halloween. And when I tried to trim the fake eyebrows I had just glued on the pumpkin, I created a quite a mess since the glue wasn't dry (good thing I wasn't trying to wax a real person's eyebrows). I won't even try to describe the pumpkin lipstick fiasco : )


    You guys are right. This site makes it much easier to deal with these exams. It gives me comfort to post here and know there are others going through the same thing I am. I think what bothers me the most about these exams is the uncertainty. You just do not know leaving the exam room how you did. I have now taken two exams and I can honestly say I didn't leave either time feeling defeated, but I didn't leave feeling great either. I take the time to post on here because when I didn't I would hit study slumps. This site is great and so are all of you guys!!!!!



    My friend recently complained that she took a nursing test, took her 2 hours, and she had to wait 3 whole days to get results. When she got them she thought it was pretty pricey to pay around $60 for the exam. I thought to myself girl if you only knew.. πŸ™‚

    Every exam for a profession is different difficult in its own terms, but I don't think you can really compare any of them apples to apples with each other.

    I'm about sick of hearing the “oh you did well in school, you'll pass”. My commonly used answer I think I stole from someone on here is “Well, I hope the AICPA feels that way too because they only allow about half of the people who take it pass!”

    It's not the hours you put in studying before work, during lunch, after work, or on weekends when your family and friends are out having fun, it's the fact you're “smart, or did well in school”. Yeah right..

    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting



    Glad you are feeling better today and were able to enjoy the time with your family – a good night's sleep does often help. I hope you were able to get in some good study time too. Take care of yourself and good luck on 11/20!

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 πŸ™‚


    Keri – Yes, it surprises most people just how expensive it is to sit for these exams. Many times people are just unaware of the financial and personal costs in terms of money and time.

    Antarctica – I'd love to see your cosmetologized pumpkin – LOL.

    Haze – Uncertainty is right. You can believe this or not, but I didn't know whether or not I passed FAR when I walked out of the testing center. In fact, I ran out of time on the last sim, and I was quite confused about the whole experience. Ask my hubby how I crabby I was on the ride home. I'm surprised at my score. These tests are not like normal exams.

    studying – I think a lot of candidates share your sentiments. I know some smart people who sat for the exam 5 – 7 times before passing, back in the day. Most people probably wouldn't guess how much preparation is required for anyone (even “A” students) to pass this test.

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    This was a good topic!


    Jan, that's what I have been trying to explain to people in terms of this test. The level of difficulty and time the test requires! People just don't get it. The only way to explain it is to tell people it comparable to the Bar. Most don't believe that though. It's so frustrating. The CPA and its difficulty isn't as publicized as the Bar or the MCAT. So as far as people know, its like passing some of these more basic state certification test.



    HazeEastwood, good point about the non-publication of the CPA exam's difficulty level. Honestly, for the education (150 hours), preparation time (6 mos – 18 mos), expense ($1,000+ just to sit for the exam, let alone review materials), and additional licensing requirements (experience years and ethics exams), you'd think the starting salaries would be higher in this field. Nurses with only 2 – 3 years of college make just as good or better starting pay. Certainly, higher level positions in this field do pay more, but it takes time and experience and job availability to get there. I think the accounting profession is going to experience a decline in new entrants to replace the retiring baby boomers, because the barriers to entry will deter many. It may take a little time for this to show up, but I think it will. Then the economics of supply and demand will kick in, and hopefully that will drive up wages. Of course, this is all good for those of us who persevere in the long run.

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    Ahh Jan- the economics thing just gave me the boost I need to keep studying Audit. I take it in a little over a week and can see the light at the end of the tunnel and am having a hard time concentrating on studying. My mind keeps wandering to all the things i will be able to do in just 10 days… I can't wait!!! Good luck on BEC. We will be able to sit and have a drink while waiting for WI to release our scores around Christmas.

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    Jan, I'm totally feeling your pain. I work full time with 2 children, ages 10 and 4 and my husband works 2nd shift. By the time I get home at night, pick up the kids, make dinner, help with the 4th grader's homework and get baths…the last thing I feel like doing is studying. I try and it's so hard to concentrate. I'm really struggling with finding the time to go through all of this material in order to prep for my exams.

    Probably no help, but I empathize with you πŸ™‚


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