SO Frustrated with People and Demands while Trying to Study

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  • #158998

    I am studying for my final section of this exam (BEC), scheduled for two weeks from now, and lately it’s been so gosh darn impossible to find any time for quiet study. Whether it’s demands at work or home, my time is bombarded by things for which I didn’t plan. Just today, I lost over three hours of time I had planned to use for studying when the local pharmacy didn’t have the prescription for one of my kids, and I ended up running all over town. I hope to make up for it burning the midnight oil tonight and getting up extra early tomorrow. Meanwhile, work responsibilities keep piling up.

    Tomorrow, my parents are stopping by to pick up a lawn sweeper they loaned us, and they know I’m studying for this exam. Since they will be traveling over an hour to get here, I’m sure they will stay and visit for a while, and I just don’t feel like it! They’re both retired and have nothing but leisure time on their hands. I’m so tired of everyone else’s agenda having priority over mine right now. Tomorrow is the only day during the week when I get any quiet study time alone whatsoever. My kids are in school, and I do my job responsibilities at home. My frustration level is really high.

    I can see that I’ll need to set some boundaries with people around me. I’ve tried, but apparently, I’ve been ineffective, i.e. not assertive enough.

    I love my job, family and friends, but there’s no way I want to have to sit for an exam section again simply because I didn’t devote enough study time the first time around.

    Guess I’m just looking for a bunch of your shoulders to cry on . . .

    Thanks for listening,


    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)

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  • #255766

    Yep, I feel your pain. Sometimes, you just have to put your foot down though when you can…not much you can do about work and the prescription run you had to make I suppose, but I'd graciously tell my parents how much I love them, but that right now, I can only visit for about 15 minutes and then have to study in order to feel good about going into my next exam.

    I had a family member die (my stepfather's brother) while I was studying for BEC, so I had to drive out of town two days in a row and stay most of the night at the funeral home and then drive back home, after working all day mind you, to be with my family. Now, I didn't have to, but I felt I really needed to (and I don't regret it – can't redo that one). But, I remember thinking the whole time I was there about how much time I was missing in studying..and actually thinking, I wish he could have waited until after my exams to die. Now that is sick! But, that is what these exams can do to you. We understand.

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    2010 – Oh, I bet that was hard on your family, and I'm glad you made the right decision with your priorities. Certainly that was an emergency situation and a very difficult time. Life doesn't stop while we prepare for this exam.

    I guess what's getting to me is that no matter how many times I explain the difficulty level of these exams and the study rigor required to pass, people in my family don't take it seriously. They think that I'm smart and that I'll pass no problem – that I'm exaggerating about how hard it is. I'm sure of it. I don't know how else to educate them about this. This isn't like taking a driver's test for heaven's sake!

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    You're correct – they really just don't understand. Based on your past performance, I'm sure you will do well, given enough study time. But you are correct, it takes a certain amount of time, no matter how smart you are, and folks who aren't in it just don't get it – they can't comprehend the massive amount of material you have to cover to be fully prepared.

    My hairstylist compared her cosmotolgy exam to the stress I am under studying for the CPA exam. I didn't even try to explain it to her…I just decided she was using the best frame of reference she had. It is frustrating though…just drive on knowing you have many sufferers on this site who do understand. 🙂

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    2010 – Ughhh . . . the cosmetology exam, really??? Not to minimize the preparation required for any professional exam or licensure, but certainly all are not created equal. People try to relate, I guess. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone!

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    All those time constraints, and you still have enough time to come on this website.

    As for people not understanding what's required for the CPA exam, you guys are doing the same thing to the hairstylist about her cosmetology exam.

    Not trying to pick a fight. Just sayin'.

    Besides, you're overstudying. You only need a 75, not mid to high 90's!

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

    75 CPA

    I had to drop out of society for two years.


    You're correct whitesoxfancpa about finding time to come on here – but then again, that is part of what gives us the strength to carry on (stress relief), and it also helps us figure out best ways of studying – so it serves a higher purpose in the process, for the most part.

    On the cosmetology exam – I don't doubt that it was difficult for her and is for all who undertake the challenge, but the material that has to be covered isn't nearly as broad – can't remember the time she put in now, but trust me, it wasn't anywhere near the amount needed to get through review material for four sections of the CPA exam – level of education needed isn't there either. But, all the same, I'm sure it was difficult – just no comparison to this. Plus, she got her score the same day, and when she failed by one point, she was able to go in the next day and take it again – and passed with a very high score. I stand by my feelings on this – there is just no comparison between that exam and what we all endure when it comes to time commitment, etc., not to mention the tremendous expense we incur and lose if we fail.

    To boot, she had no job or children at the time… I know she was trying to relate, and I appreciated it – but, the point is, she couldn't really understand from her vantage point. I didn't blame her – just quickly realized we were talking apples and oranges, and it wasn't helpful in relieving my stress.

    Essentially, it just doesn't compare. I wouldn't compare what we go through here to what a doctor has to endure – can't even begin to touch it. Just saying – there are challenges that don't compare.

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    whitesoxfancpa – I posted here seeking support and encouragement, as I'm feeling really stressed right now. Posting helps me let go of the stress and move on with studying, especially knowing that others here may be in similar situations and feel the same way. Regarding my abundant time to post here, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't had time to schedule a haircut in over three months.

    I'm a married, working mom. My hours are time and a half at work right now. I have two special needs kids, one of whom has autism (with related learning and behavioral challenges) and receives in-home therapy 20+ hours per week after school. I was diagnosed with skin cancer two days before my FAR exam and had surgery for it just a few days before my AUD exam. Sometimes, I think that maybe I just shouldn't have pursued this, as it's required so much of my time, and it's been extremely stressful and difficult while also having a job and a family.

    You're 25 and “married to your TV”, as you stated. Sorry, but we're just not in the same place in life.

    Not trying to pick a fight. Just sayin'. :o)

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    I've completely pissed off my boyfriends family, by not choosing to attend any family functions. I've seen them once since May.. oh well. I really don't care I want to pass all the exams and get my life back after 11/24. I don't feel like waisting over a year on this thing.. if he breakes up with me because of it.. oh well .. I'll be a CPA! haha.. had that goal way before he came along!

    We've been together 4 years!

    Everyone will always think their exam is harder.. it's the way people are.. “you always have it harder than someone else”. People often ask me “if this is harder than the bar exam”.. I say I don't know but I have no interest in the bar exam, so I'm sure the bar exam for me would be harder than this. I think it is all about our passions.

    I spend 5-10 minutes on this sight and facebook/but it's just small study breaks in between lectures or MCQ from Becker.. or waiting for my coffee to brew .. it's not like any of us devote time to this site.. gotta take a break!



    I'm sorry for what you're going through with the cancer (I wish you the best recovery there) and you're right, I can't relate. I'm at a point in my life where I have a lot of free time. No wife, no kids, not even a pet anymore, God rest his soul 🙁

    All I was trying to say is that there ARE people out there who are as stressed as you with professional exams. Like 2010Please said, doctors. So take solace knowing that you're not alone.

    You're about two weeks away from taking your last exam. Now is not the time to give up and/or feel sorry for yourself! Be strong, persevere, and before you know it you'll be laughing when you look in the rearview mirror. And your accomplishment will be that much more gratifying, knowing you did it while dealing with so many other challenges.

    Sorry if I offended you. It wasn't my intention. Congratulations in advance on being a CPA.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Wow so many things to say………

    whitesox – you can't talk about ANYONE overstudying 😉

    Jan – totally get where you're coming from. since i scored high on my first two sections nobody has ANY sympathy for me being worried about the last two sections. Everyone just “assumes” I did as well and that I overstudied, and yet I don't know how to explain to them that no matter how well you do you never “feel ok” about it and I still needed to study as much as I did.

    other points

    -I do devote a pretty big chunk of time to this site but I don't regret it. I can't study for 12 hours straight, but if I take 10 minute breaks every hour I can. So…. I find that “coming here” essentially keeps me studying. It gives me hope and motivation

    -There's no such thing as overstudying, sorry, but if you get in the high 90's it just means you prepared well. If you only “study for a 75” you're taking an awfully big chance of having the exam hit the few areas you “glossed over because you didn't want to overstudy” and having to pay big fees as well as more study time when you have to take it again.

    -The cosmetology exam… is not comparable. And no I don't feel bad about making assumptions about it.

    When people try to relate to me on the exam I just change the topic. I don't want to hear about how your cosmetology/real-estate/barbery/construction/GRE is “really stressing you out”. I just don't…. This exam is crazy and honestly I think it entitles us to a bit of snootiness.

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)



    I'm a mom too and I know that as mothers, we put ourselves last. You have 15 days to knock this out. Be selfish with your time. You are so close and have planned this so that it has not taken over your life for more than a year (unlike me) and you can enjoy your holidays. It's understandable that your are frustrated and tired because you have obviously put in a great amount of effort these last few months.

    People have grown tired of my I've-got-to-study excuse, especially me. I don't go out with friends and when family keeps insisting I come visit and they tell me, “Oh, you can study here”, but it just is not going to happen. Call me “CPA-hole”, but I need quiet time so I can focus. My husband lost his job and is back in school full-time so he understands what it takes to pass a serious exam – he can be the bad guy now with my in-laws.

    As far as comparing the CPA to other exams, we all live in our own realities. I've stopped bitching about the CPA exam to my husband because right now he is in his own world. I end up sounding very condescending when he tries to complain about his exams and I throw the CPA in his face. I'll just bite my tongue but we all know the CPA trumps every other exam, right? (Just kidding)

    When I think about how rough I have it, I read stories like Jan's and appreciate the fact that I don't have cancer or something really terrible. There are so many people on here who have their own realities: single parents, veterans, unemployed, even a guy who was homeless – and they pass, so I can too.

    This forum has saved me from quitting so many times. I come here for comfort when no one else understands. Jan, I thought you were one of those perfect people who could pass on the first try and still manage to balance your home and career but you need support too, so please know I understand what you are going through. One day we will look back at this stressful time in our lives and think, “How in the hell did I do that?” But we will be CPA's!

    You wrote a great response to my topic “” and I have read it several times. Thanks for your encouragement.


    I agree with pretty much everything Florida said. She hit the nail on the head. I love how I go off to a study sesh in the library and my friends smile and they say you are totally going to pass. At first I would go into detail about the odds of passing or how I studied my butt off in college to only get B’s at best, etc…. well now I just smile and say, you are probably right. I’ve also had situations where people compare other exams to the CPA and at first, its like a punch to the gut that they would make the comparison but then I just smile knowing that’s all they may have to compare it to but besides the law and medical profession I can’t think of any other exams (off the top of my head) where you truly do devote your life for what could be a few years to this exam. I used to get the guilt trip from my mom in the beginning but now she understands, you have to train those around you even if it means being firm (in a loving manner) that at this point in time, the exam is a huge priority. This another71 website has been such a valuable HUGE part of my studying process aside from the books and studying alone. I have very few friends going through this journey with me and even fewer friends who understands exactly what the journey entails.

    I do need to give a shoutout to those that have families, jobs, etc and study. I’m not sure how you do it, period. I took a vacation day last week to study and was it so nice. I wish I did this right after college before a full time job. I’ve made getting sleep a priority too so with no responsibilities, I work (sometimes late), study and then try to get 8 hours of sleep. There’s no time for anything else, so once again, all you working parents, I respect you so much and I support you!!!


    Wow! whitesoxfancpa who scores 96 tells Jan_in_WI who scores 99 he is overstudying…. 🙂

    The reality is it is hard to convince people this exam is hard when you are passing with the maximum points. I think now that I am going to re-do it for the 4 time my kids are totally getting it. They say: Mommy, is it true that if you don't pass this time you have to take all of the exams again? They are frightened. Everybody is nice to me now. I still have some scheduled reading time with them at night but that just so that they don't forget me and to keep my sanity.

    Maybe you should fail on purpose one time and make a big deal out of it and make everyone feel guilty.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    “Maybe you should fail on purpose one time and make a big deal out of it and make everyone feel guilty.”


    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)

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