Skip-able FAR topics? - Page 2

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  • #2873682

    Yes, I KNOW anything could show up on the test.

    But given how crazy the study materials get on FAR, I still want to narrow down as much as possible. I absolutely refuse to waste a dang second and am willing to risk a few unfamiliar MCQs.

    I have Wiley, and they got like 250 lessons on FAR. My plan is to compare them to the AICPA blueprints. For example, Wiley has a couple lessons on Interest Capitalization, but there’s NOTHING about that on the blueprints. So screw it, that’s an hour not worth wasting.

    Anyone know any other topics worth skipping?

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  • #2876811

    So is it posted anywhere what's new or testable this quarter for Far?

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    You can't skip anything … Partnership Accounting isn't on the blueprints either, but it's still eligible to be tested.

    New in 2020:

    CECL (Credit Losses)
    GASB Leases
    GASB Interest Capitalization

    Your review course should have you covered


    + Goodwill impairment


    Ah yes – one-step impairement


    I agree with @AusNat‘s remarks. You don't need to know everything, but you should be solid on the fundamentals and know a bit of every topic. If you're rock solid on the fundamentals, you can work your way through most SIMs (enough to pass, at least) by thinking your way through them. It'll be slower, but doable in 4 hours.


    “If you're rock solid on the fundamentals, you can work your way through most SIMs

    Not my experience. I don't know how much I'm allowed to divulge, but lets just say the SIMs I got went HARD and totally needed you to know way too much minutiae. There is no IRL situation I can think of that could match some of the SIMs I've seen, the AICPA is out of their freaking minds, man.


    SIMs are highly-simplified scenarios that isolate a few topics for testing. You even have access to authoritative literature on all SIMs. Real life is far messier and more complicated than a FAR SIM.

    FAR is definitely a hard exam, but that's due to its breadth, and not its complexity.


    “Real life is far messier and more complicated”


    I freaking quit accounting.


    “So is it posted anywhere what's new or testable this quarter for Far?”

    Personally, I only know what Roger told me:


    This is not a smart approach whatsoever. I once skipped a topic, thinking I'd roll the dice — ended up getting two TBS on it. Guess what? I failed. Weeks of studying down the drain and had to reschedule. If its one thing I learned from this exam, is its better to know a little about a topic than nothing at all.


    Skip only the parts you want to answer wrong on the exam 🤗

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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