Should I reapply right away if I think I did not pass?

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  • #159031

    If I think a did not pass an exam, should I immediately reapply to take the section? Or do I have to wait for my score first?

    Once I do reapply, there is a 6 week application processing time (according to my state board website), so I am trying to save any time I can.

    FAR - 79
    REG - 75
    AUD - 66, 96
    BEC - 79

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  • #255856

    Are you in a NASBA state? I don't think reapplying takes that long. It took my about a week to get another NTS. Wait until you get your score. I do not think you can get another nts without receiving a score first.


    I don't think you can reapply without receiving your scores first. When I applied, I only applied for 2 sections and it took 8 weeks. Then I applied for the other 2 a month later and it took less than 3 days.

    FAR 10/18 - 81 | BEC 10/26 - 83 | AUD 11/29 - 80
    REG 02/28 - 71, MULLIGAN 05/19 NTS 4503


    It will allow you to reapply if you wanted to….I knew when I walked out of BEC in August it didn't go well. Since WI is one of the last states to release scores, I wanted to make sure I had a jump on other candidates considering that I wanted to retest in the Oct/Nov window if needed. I waited until the OH loophole was available….it confirmed my suspicions that I didn't pass and I repaid in even though WI didn't release my score yet. By the time my paper score came through (officially that I had got a 68), I had my retake already scheduled and had a game plan to brush up on things.

    Honestly, there are people on here who have said that they felt like they failed and ended up passing so you never know. That just wasn't my scenario so I'm glad I took the path I did.



    I am in California which I don't think is a NASBA state. However, the state board website mentioned releasing advisory scores before the official ones so maybe that means I will mean I get it a little sooner. Still not to sure about that yet.


    You may be right that the initial application is what takes up to 2 months and a simple reapply takes a few days. I was going on what the CA state board website says about processing times. They don't specify if that is for intitial or subsequent application.


    I too am surprised that people think they don't pass and then they end up passing. I will be shocked if I pass because my simulations were bad. I was guessing on at least half of it and left some blank since I didn't have enough time. What is the OH loophole you mentioned? I think I will be in Wave 2 scores because I took mine on Nov 9. I wish I had seen the tip about taking your exam by the 6th of the month to make it into Wave 1 scores.

    FAR - 79
    REG - 75
    AUD - 66, 96
    BEC - 79


    IL told me I had to wait for the failing score before I can apply for a NTS for an exam that is pending.

    I had thought I failed BEC and wanted to apply for a NTS so I would have been able to take it one more time in 2010.. so I called the State and they said I had to wait.. but thankfully I passed. You never know 🙂

    Good luck!!

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