Should I be worried?

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  • #158013

    Starting to get a little worried about my FAR exam which is scheduled for 10 days from now…

    I am using Becker to prepare and have been getting between 70-80% correct on all of the material. I passed Audit easily on the first try with Becker but I was consistently scoring 90% on the practice material.

    Can anyone share some insight? Do you think that a 70-80% with Becker translates to a similar exam score? Thanks!

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  • #233121

    Also, I am consistently in the mid 70's on FAR questions.

    The general concensus is that your Becker % plus 10-15 equals your actual exam score.

    Take it for what it's worth, but I think we'll both pass.

    I was getting mid 80%s on AUD practice and I got a 96.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    I haven't tried the final exams yet, but I consistently score between high 80s and mid 90s in homework MCQs.

    And never lower than 95 in progress tests, but those MCQs are randomly taken from the homework pool, so I remember some of them.

    Are the questions in the final exams taken from the same homework pool or are they new?

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    when you all say you are getting 70-80% correct on the materials, are you all refering to the hw on the 1st pass thru or 2nd pass thru?? i'll get 60-70% on the 1st pass thru and 90% on the 2nd pass thru just cuz i probably memorized it




    I use yaeger and I have never gotten 90% on any time through. I barely even get in the 80's…that is super rare. I think the homework is harder than the exams for sure. Plus, for me, I had prepared so much that a good portion of the questions on the exam seemed flat out easy to me. Granted, had I not done all the prep work they wouldn't be easy.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81



    From what I have understood from reading the posts and my own experience:

    The practice tests are from the Becker homework problems. The Becker 2 Final Exam consists of new questions. When people post that you take your Becker Final Exam score and add 10% – 15% to get a feel for range you actually get on the real CPA exam results. The Becker Final Exam is suppose to be tougher than the actual exam. If you do well on the Final Exam you should do well on the actual exam.

    Hope this helps.

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