Should I be getting really mad when studying?

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  • #2976275

    Studying for REG right now, I’ve passed FAR and BEC while failing REG and AUD. The common theme while I was studying for all four of those exams is getting furious every day while studying. Not annoyance. Like breaking furniture, pens, ripping up textbooks and slamming my laptop on the table angry. To the point where I wasn’t even happy or excited that I passed FAR and BEC because it meant I would just have to study for the other tests. This usually ends up delaying my studying time because I’ll get two or three MCQ’s wrong then spend half an hour raging before I’m able to settle down and start up again. I hear that everyone hates the CPA exam but wondering if there’s a line somewhere between being upset at studying and this not being the right career path for me

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  • #2976293

    Why are you furious when you're studying for the exams? Are you trying to pass just to get more money? I have some anger issues myself but i only get very upset when i see another fail. I get frustrated as well while studying because it almost feels like all i do is study, eat, jog, and work. I dont really have much s* going on or any social life. What does keeps me going is whenever i learn something that i didnt know before. For instance, when i finally understood consolidation, i became very content with myself. So why are you angry?


    As someone who absolutely detests this exam with every fiber of my being (really don't like accounting very much either), I can tell you that you've created a new level of extreme by getting to a point where you're physically destroying inanimate objects left and right. Not only that, but fixating on a few wrong questions to the detriment of your entire study session every time is only doing you a disservice.

    The question isn't so much whether or not this is a right career path for you. It's more about you being able to control your emotions regardless of what circumstance you find yourself in.


    I LOVE this thread! Being an emotional person myself, I do understand what the OP is passing through. I don't go overboard physically speaking, however, what has happened to me in the past is that I would take things personally and I would get affected for a while. The best advise I can provide is to know that we aren't perfect, that we'll miss questions and just take it from there. Everyone takes this stuff differently. I know some people when they get wrong questions, it motivates them to learn the wrong answer, while to others it's indifference and then others disappointment. We are all wired differently. Same like the pandemic that is going on. There are 3 groups of people. Some are scared, others just cautious (I fall in this category) and others are indifferent. What gets me mad are the futuristic non stop articles that are written online. I am more affected by that then the virus. Others take articles and television with a grain of salt and can easily study, My sincere respects for anyone who is studying at this time. I have tried and can't do it. Too much coverage online and on TV. I am in contact with my computer guy to restrict me everything on my computers and phone maybe that can work.

    I don't think that this has to do if this is your ideal career path or not. I actually think that you want this so bad that you can't tolerate getting things wrong. You must be a very passionate and emotional person which isn't bad, you just have to be careful to not hurt yourself. It's fine to get upset, but do not give up. I've learned over the years to not be like this by default, I can't be calm because that's not my personality, but do know that there will be challenges along the way and just have to embrace it. You must also be a stubborn person which again, you don't tolerate failure. I am with you on this one, just be careful with not letting it get to you in a physical standpoint.


    I have absolutely no tolerance for violence. A little anger management may go a long way in instilling the self-discipline and self-control you clearly lack. I bet if you take a good hard look you will see that your lack of discipline and control are affecting not just this but other critical areas of your life. Get a grip and show some maturity before someone gets hurt.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I remember being completely demoralized by FAR quizzes that I would only get 10% or 20% correct.
    I can see you being frustrated. I guess how it effects everyone is different.
    Just keep plugging away, you'll get it eventually.

    Also, there is really nothing in this life worth getting this upset about, PERIOD.
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. This exam won't mean jack sh1t to you in 5 or 10 years, and in 50-60 years it really won't mean anything to anyone at all.
    And in 100 years it's likely that anything you did in this life will be remembered by NO ONE.
    Relax, ain't nobody getting out of this life alive. No sense to be all furious between now and when you kick it.


    @Recked I have to kindly disagree. Yes, while no one cares if you pass or not, I would care immensely if I dont pass all of the exams. Thats how much i care. If it takes 20 years to pass, im willing to do it. I will be devastated if i never make it. Hopefully i can pass them quickly, that is my plan


    You passed two, just try to keep the momentum rolling. And second guessing yourself is completely normal. It’s a road that’ll break you down if you let it. Frustration happens, i got to the point where I completely destroyed my scratch workbooks because I had a bad day on mcq/sims.

    One thing I realized about reg/contracts/business law is you just have to learn WHY IT DOESNT make sense, then it becomes easier.

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