Rushed through the FAR Sims due to time

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  • #157767

    Hello All –

    This is my first time on here. I have really enjoyed the feedback I have read on other posts. This topic appears to have been hit on several times, but I wanted to share my experience. I have passed all parts of the CPA exam except FAR, which I took for the first time on Monday. I had prepared for this test for more than 3 months, and felt very confident going in. Here is my experience:

    The first MC section was a breeze, but the second and third were much more difficult. From what I understand this is a good thing. When I got to the simulations I had about an hour and a half left to finish, so I tried to stick with 45 mins each. However, I had two very difficult simulations. The information was all over the place, and the detail was overwhelming. Long story short I filled out everything on both simulations & communications, but nothing really got the attention it deserved based on time. The second simulation suffered primarily because I tried to get information onto every tab. In addition, I was very brief on the second memo. Needless to say, I feel like I may have bombed the simulations based on time (I literally ran out of time).

    However, from reading other posts it appears I have a shot at passing. Anyone had the same experience and a success?

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  • #228798

    I had a very similar experience when I took REG.  I got cut off from the test with half of a tab completely unfilled. 

    It sucks when you have to rush, but sometimes it ends up working out well in the end.  It worked out for me, and I think it will work out for you too.  Sometimes you question yourself more when you feel pressed for time, even when you are getting them right.

    Good luck, and I'm sure you did fine!

    Becker Review Course - Done!!

    BEC - 77, REG - 88, AUD - 90, FAR - 83


    It sounds like you have a great chance at passing!  I had a similar amount of time for my 2 FAR sims and was just able to

    complete them, although like you said I felt like I did not give any one

    part the time it deserved.  Many people taking FAR have even less time than you had to complete their simulations, so the fact that you had 1.5 hours means you probably did better on the Sims than many candidates.  And as you said, if the MC were getting harder then you were doing something right.

    FAR is such a beast, just being able to finish everything in the time allotted is a success in itself.  I would be willing to bet that you passed. 


    You just described my FAR experience to a “T”.  When I took the exam on April 2, I had an hour and 45 minutes remaining when I started the first SIM and only 30 minutes left when  I started the second.  I did manage to get answers down on every tab, but literally watched the clock run out as I was trying to muddle through the last one.  I didn't even use spell check on my memos.  I was beyond upset and left the exam in tears.  Over the following 7.5 weeks I continued to study knowing that I had to have failed…

    I got a 97.


    Thanks for the encouragement. I am starting to doubt myself now though. I filled out something on every tab of the sim in every line, but I only have a paragraph each in the communications. I should get a portion of points for communication still, right?


    Don't worry about the communication part. Some of the Becker solutions are only a short paragraph. Others are multiple paragraphs. It's about answering the question in a logical way and proving you are able write well.


    Thanks. I hope to get just enough on the sims and communication to get the 75


    1/3 of the Written Comm points come from spelling, grammar, structure, etc.  Being able to compose a coherent thought/answer will get you at least partial credit, no matter how short it is.  They do not expect a novel, and writing one on the exam might only make a small increase in your score while costing you way too much valuable time to write it.

    I have passed all 4 sections and have not written more than 1-2

    small paragraphs on any written comm portion of a simulation.  The key to the CPA exam is MC.  Simulations and Written Comm barely matter if you can nail the MC testlets.  I would not stress about it, I am sure you did fine!


    The same thing happened with me.  I took FAR this past Monday and didnt think the m/c was bad at all.  The simulations were ridiculous and i thought it was really tough to understand the directions in a few of them.  I had a lot of time left at the start of the sims and found myself just randomly filling things in towards the end so i could finish in time.


    I was well prepared for the MCs. I could tell the second and third tests were difficult – I am hoping that helps me. Glad to see I wasn't the only one with difficult sims.

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