This is me wishing you luck, 😀 !!!!!!!!!GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!! :D.
Hope it works. I lacked serious motivation for my third exam, FAR, and honestly it has been worse for my hopefully last exam, REG. My real driving factor is the holidays. Holloween (10/30 – going to Salem, MA 10/22-24), Thanksgiving (11/25 – Faimily of Course), Birthday (11/26 – Beers and friends of course), and then Christmas (12/25 – more family, beers, and friends lol). If I have to feel like I am giving any of that up to study for a test I should have passed the first time I will be very upset at myself.
Another thing, have you ever had a conversation with yourself in the shower? Mine go like this, “come on, stop procrastinating. It is one more test, it will all be over soon, but not if you do not go study” 30 minutes later I get out of my scorching shower lol. Or how about that Saturday morning that you simply did not want to get out of bed… the feeling of guilt that had had for sleeping in past 10:00. How many more weekend days of that do you want to endure? personally I am sick of them!!
Another thing that might help some people. Do you ever feel like you owe this to someone, or that someone has gone through such a rough period that complaining about studying makes you feel like an @$$? I am doing this for myself first, but for my grandfather second. He passed away 3 1/2 years ago, he survived 3 different rounds of cancer from 62-69. If he got up everyday for 7 years, 1 or 2 yrs of studying seems like a silly thing to not get up in the morning for… I know that he would be proud of what I have done so far, so the least I can do it finish it off, right? This goes back to a very important thing my grandfather said to me once “If you think you are having a bad day, there is always someone having a worse one.”
Keep your feet planted and your head up and only the best can come of it. Always smile and be happy because being upset and angry is no way to live life.
I will finish my speach (post) with one more quote from my grandfather. “A persons character is not defined by what they do when people are watching, but what they do when no one is watching.”
BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!