questions marked for review affect score?

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  • #157668

    I am watching yaeger homestudy for FAR and they just said that they wouldn’t mark questions for review on the exam and they think it possibly could affect your score…

    I never heard of this before, anyone care to shed any light?

    I always uncheck them after I have gone back to review, but this seems kind of like a wrench thrown into the mix.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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  • #228436

    I don't really know about this.

    Personally, I don't think there is time to review questions anyway.


    Well I finished AUD w/ over 1.5 hours left and BEC w/ over 1 hour left and that was after reviewing questions, but from everything I have read FAR you are the most pressed for time.

    My strategy was that if it was a long worded question or I couldn't spot the answer IMMEDIATELY, within seconds, then I just marked it for review and moved to the next one, and then when I finished question 30 I went back and reviewed the ones marked. I sometimes would just mark it if I didn't know the answer before even looking at the answers. Doing it this way I think helps me move very quickly through the exam and not waste much time.

    This strategy may not work for FAR though huh?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I can see that working for AUD and BEC – esp. AUD.

    For FAR and REG, not so much – especially REG @ 3 hours.

    I rolled into Sim #2 on FAR with like 25 minutes left. Not good. I still passed though.


    I did the same thing on FAR if it was anything hard or that I had to calculate I just left it blank. Finished up the 30 mc testlet and then went back and did them. But yea, you will hard pressed for time on FAR. I had like half hour left but at the same token, if I couldn't figuere something out I didn't sit there and stare at it. I moved on. Keep in mind if you have a complicated math problem and you do get it right that goes along way as it will be worth more points.

    BEC I did the exact same thing, but haven't goten my results yet. I found it pretty easy so we'll see what happens.

    FAR 81, BEC 75, AUDIT 92 ,Reg 88


    I left review marks on tons of questions in AUD, did not clear them before moving to next test. I passed AUD with reasonable score. I personally believe, review marking has no effect on your score, it is a tool for the candidate just like the countdown clock (of course they wont let you wear your watch). However, scoring process is very sophisticated. It tires to find out if you have guessed an answer to determine proficiency level.


    It tries to figure out if you guessed an answer? How in the world can it do that?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I wouldn't worry about that stuff. What's next, if you spend 3 minutes on a question they'll lower your score even if you get it right because you weren't efficient? If you answer one in 2 seconds and get it right they'll reduce your score because you possibly guessed? If you have only minutes remaining at the end of the exam they'll dock you for not being quick enough? If you have two hours left they'll penalize you for not being thorough? If you use the research tab to help your written communication you get points off?

    I would utilize all the tools that are provided on the exam, including time, marking questions for review, looking up anything necessary in the research tab, etc. They're there to help. If candidates were penalized for any of those things I think it would have come out by now and people would be outraged. I wouldn't even think about that stuff!

    Just my two cents.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    “financeguy: How do they figure out if you guessed?” I think it's by way of applying Individual Response Theory (IRT) in Psychometrics to assess candidate's answers.

    I found following educational:


    This is all too much…

    I am worried about making the correct calculations for the cost of retained earnings and then comes all this.

    Friends, I cannot even begin to contemplate the nuance and intricacies of the actual test itself.

    I have to concentrate on the heavy lifting – nuts and bolts basics and pray it’s enough.

    Please tell me focusing on the cold basics is enough.

    BEC:84,exp'd. retest 2/28/2013 (74)




    Focusing on the cold basics is enough.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

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