Passed FAR after CRYING during the test…. there is hope!

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    I just wanted to tell those that are either waiting for FAR or have recently taken it and feel like they failed. I was doing so badly on FAR I cried DURING the test IN the testing center. I thought the prometric people were going to tell me that I needed to be quiet! My testlets never seemed to get “harder” they were all the same horrible trickiness where I felt like I was guessing a lot and I guessed on all of one sim, and did “okay” on the other one (or felt like I did okay…).

    So, there is hope… I don’t know how they grade these things but it’s true that you never really know how you did!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)

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  • #237303

    yeah…the whole thing about trying to figure out if the tests get harder…you should forget all about that.

    It totally messed me up. I kept trying to figure it out on the 2nd and 3rd testlets, and on the 3rd one I kept getting all these really short questions (and at this point I thought the entire test was hard, including the 1st testlet), and probably about halfway through the 3rd testlet I nearly entirely convinced myself that I had already failed.

    I posted in another thread, I honestly think I should have points subtracted for my performance on the sims haha.

    Anyways I ended up being stronger than the rest of the candidates in the MC and weaker on the sims and I passed w/ an 82. It is crazy because AUD and BEC I walked out of there thinking I aced those tests and got 81 and 80. I wrote a thread on here after FAR saying there is a 99% chance I failed.

    haha some of the MC with calculations, I knew the stuff but then the damn test just threw in this lil' tidbit that threw me off…there had to be at least 5 questions where I just did random things w/ the numbers given until I came up w/ one of the answers. I never changed a single answer or marked a single one for review. 1 shot and that was it.

    Yaeger claims they may look if you mark them for review. I marked for review on AUD and BEC, but none for FAR, so they may have a point.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    lol I am a firm believer of first choice intuition… I NEVER change my answer unless I misread the question or something… but usually I will never realize I misread the question because I don't go back and check.

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    For me, reading a bunch of CPA test posts on the internet was probably one of the worse psych outs. Just manage your time and tackle each piece at a time.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    This gives me some hope, as i left out of FAR devastated, guessing 75% of the first sim and a horrible second testlet

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I marked questions for review on every exam. It doesn't reflect on your score.

    AUD: 95 (7/14/10)
    REG: 94 (7/22/10)
    BEC: 87 (7/29/10)
    FAR: 95 (8/12/10)


    I know this has been addressed in previous threads in previous exam windows, but did any of you guys that received passing scores this window completely bomb a simulation? As in, complete little to nothing in the entire simulation except for the written communication?

    Aud- Pass, BEC- Pass, FAR- Pass, REG- Pass.... Done!


    @ rash – I completed the SIMS but most of my answers were BS so Idon't know if that counts…

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Thanks, FL_Candidate. I'm keeping my hopes up.

    Aud- Pass, BEC- Pass, FAR- Pass, REG- Pass.... Done!

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