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  • #161021

    Using Becker, I started the live classes two weeks ago and we are done with chapters 1-3. So far I dont feel really confident, not that I am not doing well in the homeworks but because the material is so vast, I spend so much time reviewing it and then get worried that am running short of time in completing the HW’s before the week ends. I work full time at big four and by the time I get home I am drained. My exam date is set for August 31. At this point I am losing confidence in myself and in my study plan.

    I would really appreciate some study tips/guidelines for FAR. It’s the first time I am tackling it.


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  • #290848

    I think most of us have been there…Don't start freaking out yet. Remember that they can't possibly test you on everything, there are only 90 MCQ on the actual exam…just do your best to learn the material and practice practice practice!

    I think if you spend some time browsing this forum you will see that your feelings are shared by most of us and they really won't get any better from today until you receive your score. That is just reality…a harsh reality, yes…

    I also want to stress one thing as far as being successful on the actual exam:

    TIME MANAGEMENT! I keep saying this over and over, but I honestly think it can be the difference between passing and failing. Have a plan before going into the exam that includes time limits for each testlet so you have plenty of time for the SIMS. They really do require a lot of time! I planned 1.5 hours, but had almost 2 and used every bit of it!

    Good luck!

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!


    May I ask how everyone studies for FAR? Of course I understand that different methods work well for different people, but I just wanted to see how everyone goes about tackling this thing.

    My study “method” (using Becker):

    – view lecture

    – go through text writing notes

    – do homework MCQ (excluding supplemental)

    for my review, I probably will not watch the lectures again unless it's an area I'm particularly weak in, but I plan on rereading/rewriting notes and going through all the MCQs again along with supplemental questions. Does anyone have any suggestions for learning this stuff better?


    @MN_CPA, I had a friend in a similar situation, working at a big 4 while studying. He said the same thing as you, when he got out of work he was a zombie. What he did was wake up at 4am and go to his office, he would get in a few hours before he started work. It might sound suicidal but he passed all 4 sections his first try. FAR is such an insane amount of material, I didn't feel like I truly understood everything until a week before my exam. Keep trying though and keep practicing!

    @superfreak–Your method sounds good! Take lots of notes, re write them, and lotssss of MCQs!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58



    I followed Jeff's suggestion on watching all the videos and taking notes then going back and doing the mcq's. When I got to the mcq's I took notes again as well. It helps to read through the answers and understand exactly why you got it right and why you got it wrong. I think most people would tell you that they don't rewatch the lectures. If I have a problem with an area, I am likely to reread notes I wrote, the notes from the software and then Ninja notes..if I am still at a loss, then I would review the book. I would then do mcq's to reinforce what I learned.

    I like to use different mediums for studying, so I like to reread my notes, read notecards (I used Beckers), and then do different testbanks for mcq's. I use Becker, Wiley, and cpareviewforfree.

    I would also sugggest if you are looking for another testbank and want to save some bucks, that Gleim have a free trial. I used it for BEC and it was helpful. I think it is easy to get used to the way the questions are worded or frankly, it is easy to start memorizing the answers, so switching around is helpful.

    don't discount having a few minutes to read over a few pages of notes or notecards, I bring them with me while waiting for appointments and it come in handy.

    Best of luck with FAR!!!!

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