out of FAR exam Oct 27! Failed for sure - Page 2

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    I’m so upset. Contrary to most of the posts I saw here, my FAR exam was all computational MC ( probaly only 10 theoretical questions!!!). As a result, I had only 1h10 left for 2 sims, which are all long tasks for each tab, 2 of which are unfamiliar- and all journal entries. Can you believe that: For each Sim, I could do 1 tab and 1 written communication. The rest, even the research question, i couldn’t locate a correct journal entrie let alone calculate the amount. 30 minutes for each sim, I hardly do anything

    I spent around 270-300 hours for this FAR, I did well on the MC, I was only unsure of 5 MC for each testlet. I can’t believe why I had a hard test overall. FAR is my last section. And now I start reviewing for my next year retake for sure.

    I m using Becker. Do you guys know which materials have plenty Simulations for me to practice. I’m not good at the journal entries at all? And while waiting for new course, which one can i review for the time being so that it is not affected by IFRS next year?

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  • #255384


    FAR was my first exam, and I too ran out of time on the sims due to extremely hard mc questions in the second and third testlets. I too felt that I had done well with the mc questions, but they ate up a lot of time on the clock, leaving me in a rush to get the sims done.

    Walking out of the exam, I felt defeated and upset. I used Becker and prepared as well as I could. I was crabby afterward, thinking I would be studying again for the thing in the next window. BUT . . . I managed a 94 somehow.

    That was a lesson for me – that this exam is not scored in the same way as a traditional test. The difficulty level of the questions is a factor in the point system. And when you think about the sims only being worth 20% of the final exam score, each tab by itself really doesn't carry a lot of points. The written communication is worth 10%, and it is not only graded on whether or not the answer is correct, but also spelling, grammar, communication clarity, etc.

    I know it's probably hard for you to trust what the folks here are telling you right now, but do consider that you very well could have passed. There's definitely hope – more than you might think. It's a different kind of test.

    The best thing you can do now is shift gears to the next section.

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    I have also considered the grading of the sims over and over since I took FAR on 10/19 (and walked out feeling horrible as I didn't finish the sims). I have been trying to reason that perhaps I will pull through (here's to hoping!) despite not finishing all the tabs.

    With WC carying 10% and 20 marks/points for the rest of the sims, this really does not leave a lot of marks for the remaining tabs (as Jan_in_WI correctly states). If the two reasearch tabs carry a total of 2-3 marks (I did not have time to do either of mine…), this means that the other tabs can only be worth 2-3 marks each max, and each entry, within each sim tab, carry very few marks (less than 1% really). This is assuming that there are approximately 4 tabs in each sim, in addition to research and WC.

    So even if you leave lots of blanks, as long as you hit some of them, and did well on the WC, I can see why people pass despite reporting that they messed up/left blanks on the sims.

    Good luck to all of us! Wow am I going to be nervous on 11/17…


    Don't even stress about, you can't change anything now. FYI i took the exam and it was how you described (being mostly computational) only i left about 40 minutes for BOTH sims and i had no idea how to do 80% of the sims or comm tabs. I always thought the more computational questions the worse you are doing but that wasnt the case for me. Keep your head up.

    AUD 81, REG 65 78, BEC 75, FAR 71 85(8/3/2010)


    FARBehind…my scores aren't “lucky”, I call it skill!!


    They should give us an extra hour for FAR and REG



    Forget the extra hour. They should give you a higher score for finishing quicker! I say an extra point for each ten minutes you finish before the time expires!

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    That's right, Dan. A lot of people say achieving 75 is a “skill”. But you wasted 6 whole points on AUD!!! Try not to be so wasteful in FAR…. I showed this “skill” only once so far. I truly believe they adjust the scores down, so technically if you have a 75 you were around the 80-ties level…

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    Adjust the scores down? No way. Anytime I've heard about someone's score report, they're raw scores from section to section was well below they're actual score.


    FARBehind…trust me, I don't think that it was skill…I felt horrible after taking REG, and wouldn't have been surprised if gotten in the 50's! I also thought they adjust scores, that sometimes your reported score on the exam wasn't exact what you actually scored.


    For those of you that have taken FAR, I just took it. Man, was it tough! Hopefully a 75 however. What does it mean when the pencil in the simulation does not turn blue? One of my tabs I completed, but the pencil did not change colors at the top of the screen. Did I forget to do something?

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