No Score Notice for AUD yet….

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  • #157605

    I took AUD on March 8th and I still haven’t received my score notice for AUD yet.

    I called NASBA and they gave me the email contact for NJ NASBA so I can request a re-send.

    They said it doesn’t cost anything for a reprint, unless I wait too long to ask for a reprint…like if I wait until May then I will have to pay $25.00.

    So if any of you guys haven’t received your Score Notice yet, you should request a reprint fast…….

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!

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  • Author
  • #228151

    Hello NJCPA2B,

    Thanks you for the advise. I called and they said they will send it today or tomorrow. I wonder what happened with AUD, I took the test February 15. This never happened to me before.


    I know what you two mean. Audit was really wierd during the second window. I typically receive my score via email (which appears the morning after AICPA releases the scores). I didn't get any sort of email verification for audit but I did get one for BEC, which I took a week after audit. My score showed up on the NASBA website three days later.

    I finally received the email about a week ago. Strange, huh?


    Hello AllenA,

    I always get my scores by mail so if you received the email last week then that means my paper score must be on his way. After all I took AUD Feb/15 and for what I see you took AUD Feb/23. Either way it’s really late, especially for an email report.

    By the way, congratulations on your scores. Could you tell me what did you use to study for BEC?


    I used BISK and did all the MC questions multiple times. I also made flashcards of any of the material that wasn't clear to me.

    MC, MC, MC, MC is about the best advice I can give on BEC.


    I appreciate your advice. Right now I’m working hard on BEC3 and BEC5 and next week I will practice all the questions again. Hopefully it will be enough. This is my second time taking BEC got a 63 the first time.

    Thanks for everything.


    No problem, Ed. BEC is one of the most difficult tests to gauge. For some, it is the easiest of the four. For others, it is nearly as difficult as FAR (making it the second in terms of difficulty). I found it to be pretty easy but that may have to do with my recent college experience and level of comfort with cost accounting and finance.

    Read each question carefully, know the different types of entity structures (especially what is needed to organize a C Corp), basic financial ratios, basic cost accounting principles, and as much about IT as possible (via flashcards and MCs).

    My test was different that yours will be (most likely) so who knows what you'll really get as far as questions go. I was surprised by the simplicity of most of the questions on my BEC test.


    Thank you for your time and suggestions. Looking at your scores is a confirmation that it can be done. All I need is 12 more points. I definitely understand better the material.

    On another note, talking about FAR I got a 70 making FAR my second lowest grade.

    Again thank you for everything.


    I finally got my score yesterday! I got a 69 even though my scores aren't that bad…Maybe I should have failed with a 74!??

    Me / Passing Candidates

    Planning 88 / 81

    I/C 82 / 80

    Information 80 / 82

    Review 75 / 80

    Communication 84 / 81


    MC Comparable

    SIM Comparable

    Written Comm Weaker

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    Finally! Do you think this is the one you were supposed to receive or the one you requested?

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