My FAR Test Experience…did i fail??

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  • #158157

    Okay I honestly don’t know what to think as soon as I walked out of the prometric center. I finished with 20 minutes to spare but what scares the h$%LL out of me is i actually thought exam was not difficult, leaning towards to the easy side. I also want to note, I am not an straight A or “elite” student as I take longer to absorb the material (slowlearner).

    With that being said, I arrived at prometric 30 min to spare after a 3 hr drive. Easy parking (did not have to pay to park or walk 1/2 mile from a parking tower) and the staff was super nice. Although they did walk around quite frequently. Are they thinking I’m cheating? lol

    The first testlet was, IMO half say 1/3th difficult Q’s and rest were okay. Finished in 45min.

    The second testlet was surprisely easier?! This was bad news as I told myself, okay I will get all these right. I felt pretty good and did find those *tricky* M/C where the examiners try to try you. There were a couple “repeat” questions (worded differently). So if you know the concept you either got both right, or both wrong. I checked my becker book after the test i found out i got half of those right. I tell you the exam can get you cause its a simple formula/concept but one word can make a difference. eeek! Probably finished this testlet in 45min also.

    Third testlet, praying it would get harder, wasn’t too bad. So now I’m panic cuz am I failing? As I complete my 3rd testlet, I feeling that I got most of these M/C right so probably the weight of my score will be on my Sims so I was prepping for the worse. Also finished 45 min as I had less 2 hrs for the sims, right on schedule.

    Sim1: again wasn’t too bad. now i’m not saying it was easy, it was over say the easier concepts of the FAR section but tested in a different way (nothing i saw in wiley or becker). it these questions that i wanted to raise my hand and ask the teacher, OK, exactly what answer are you looking for? it took me while to figure it out but i think i got it but i know i got it wrong because they didn’t equal a specific outcome. however since it has several parts, im hoping i got the others right. So half of sim 1 was tricky, the other half wasnt that bad but my mind was exhausted and shut off on the formulas. the written communication was easy but little worried on my grammer so hope i got most of those pts.

    sim 2 same as sim1 i was like ok whats going on. sim 2 was more difficult than sim 1 but it wasn’t “out of this world” difficult and not too wordy. (good or bad?)


    Most of my Q’s were not too wordy. Had a good number of calculations. Like many people on these forums say, you either know it or you don’t. I felt real confident on my calculations (even double-triple checked) but there were a few questions where I went blank. I didn’t feel the level of difficulty increase too much, so I’m asking myself, do I really know this material? Honestly, I don’t. At least I dont I think I do. I did one practice exam on Becker and got a 52. I am not a smart A honor roll kid. But again the Aicpa sets a bar, a standard and they determine whats passing. Did I pass this bar? Others are mentioning they get out of this world Sims and lenghty Q’s which I didn’t. I finished with 20 min to spare. I feel like I failed cause I felt this this exam wasn’t challenging enough. Was it because most of the Q’s/sims weren’t over my weak areas (which I have several, and prob the same areas as the majority of the candidates) What do you guys think? Did anyone get a similar exam like mine and passed/failed? Guess I’ll know sometime next month.

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  • #234011

    I know exactly what you mean. My testlets didn't get more difficult. They were all about equal and I felt like I knew 75% of it. Then I question whether I rushed through what I thought I knew and might have missed something. Some questions seemed like ACGT 101 which also scared me. The test was very broad but nothing really surprised me until the sim-tab-from-hell.

    We probably got the same easier sim tab because I thought, “Now what do I need to do?”. After completing the rest of the simulation I went back to it and kept putting in numbers to get it to work and it never balanced. Oh well, maybe we get some points for putting some of the numbers in the right place. It was nothing like I'd ever seen before though conceptually not that hard had I practiced.

    Hope you passed. I felt like crying after the third testlet but WHO KNOWS?????

    I'm being such a slacker today after the study marathon the last few weeks.


    I have my first exam ever on Monday (FAR) and I always felt ok about it.

    Tonight I had a dream where I got to the prometric center and I forgot my NTS, hahaha, not a good sign….. But I guess it's ok to be a little nervous.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    My first exam, AUD, I was very confident going into it. The first testlet seemed the hardest for me. I could not tell any increase in difficulty. When I walked out of there I thought there was no way I could have failed. I passed w/ an 81. One section that was worth 8-10% is scored 58, so that really brought my score down, but for the most part I really knew the MC.

    For FAR, I felt absolutely horrible coming out of the test. I think my 2nd testlet must have gotten harder because the first one I finished in about 30 min, and the 2nd one took me about 50 minutes, and 3rd one about 45-50 min. All the testlets seemed hard to me, but part of the reason is because there is just so much info for FAR.

    I think it is just too hard to tell how you did w/ this exam. I have read a ton of comments on here of people passing who felt like they failed for sure.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81



    You sound like you were very well prepared and that's why your testlets seemed easy to you. All of my testlets seemed hard this time and this scares me in turn. The questions were so wordy that sometimes took me so much time to read only before I even start thinking of solving. And I know the first testlet is always easy so it is me, not the test. Ahhhh,.

    Hope we all pass. The thought of studying for this again makes me feel like throwing up.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    CPAwannabe – Yeah! Like Acct 101 lol. I left the center rather excited, but as soon as I got into the car I got really scared, and then i found out i missed at least 2 mc Q's after looking at my becker book.

    ItalianCPA – prepare your stuff the night before so you dont forget your NTS, ID's etc. I take 3-4 forms of IDs Just in Case. haha.

    financeguy- yeah exactly, a lot of ppl say they felt like failing and they ended up passing. interesting how your first aud did not increase difficulty and yet you passed. hopefully that applies to me and cpawannabe

    farbehind- yeah good luck to all of us! hope we all pass and the thought of studying far again is even more scarier!


    Well, level of difficulty is a matter of perspective, so it is just hard to judge this thing imo

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    italianCPA & Acpahopeful2010

    The night before the exam I make sure I have the printouts for the Prometric form and the NTS, directions to the test site, IDs,full tank of gas in the car. Don't want to be distracted or delayed the day of the test. Funny – but it just makes the day go smoother and less stressful.

    Good luck on Monday italianCPA.


    I went to the further prometric center (4 miles more than the other one) just to have the 2pm test (instead of the 7:30am).

    Getting up at 5am, spending a hour in LA traffic is not what I am looking for on test day.

    This way I will sleep till late, get up, have my coffee, go there, have lunch and be totally relaxed.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Ok so I took FAR today and all I can say is “I FAILED”. First of all, I was so nervous that my brain completely went blank. I spent way too much time on MCQs that I didn't have much time for the simulations. My testlets seemed to get a little easier, but that's probably because I choked on the other ones. I am SO DEPPRESSED right now! To know that I studied for months and to just freeze up when I get there makes me sick. Not to mention the thought of studying for that test again makes me wanna cry. I really don't know where to go from here. I guess it's a waiting game now.

    *formerly known as tiffanygharrington* FAR-7/10, AUD-8/10, BEC-10/10, REG-11/10

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