Massachusetts 150 cr hrs requirement (graduate courses vs. undergraduate)

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  • #159070

    The below link describes the licensing requirements in MASS (as far as educational requirements).

    As for the 150 cr hours, I am still left with a doubt / question (after reading the below).

    Can the board accept (as the 150 cr hrs requirement):

    * BA in Business (120 hrs)


    * 18 cr hrs of accounting at graduate level (instead of 30 of undergraduate)?

    (assuming all business & accounting requirements are met with the above).


    text copied from the above link:

    *If you combine undergraduate and graduate courses to arrive at the required core accounting and business credits, please note:

    Since a candidate needs 30 semester hours of undergraduate accounting courses or 18 semester hours of graduate accounting courses, each undergraduate hour equals 3/5 of a graduate hour, or conversely, each graduate hour equals 5/3 of an undergraduate hour.

    Since a candidate needs 24 semester hours of undergraduate business courses or 18 semester hours of graduate business courses, each undergraduate hour equals 3/4 of a graduate hour, or conversely, each graduate hour equals 4/3 of an undergraduate hour.


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  • Author
  • #256084

    I am reading the text I copied from the link….. it seems that there is no key (one key) for conversion (graduate course equivalent to undergraduate). The prior makes me think that you can not replace the 150 requirement with 120 undergraduate + 18 hrs graduate course-work…

    Nonetheless, I someone knows the facts. A reply will be very much appreciated.



    It's best to apply to your state board for consideration. If they tell you to return to school it doesn't cost additional money to apply again.

    I thought I was going to be ok, then they told me I had to return for more classes. So I did exactly what the letter stated, then they said because I went to university of phoenix (not the best school) for the additional credits/classes, I needed to go back AGAIN!!

    I didn't cost me any more money to have my transcription reviewed 3 times by them! Good luck!!


    amit – I believe when I talked to them they said I needed 30 graduate credit hours… give them a call tomorrow and if they won't help you the mass society of cpa's are wicked nice and tried to help me out with the issues… Let me know what you hear back, I've only got 123-ish credits right now and taking 2 other classes at the moment… That would be awesome if I only have to complete 6 by the end of 3 years from now for this instead of all 10…. best of luck!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    Tks michelle119, tks CPA Someday,

    I actually called them (yesterday), the person who answered was extremely helpful and very much willing to provide information and assistance over the phone. I did understand from the conversation that I would need only 18 hrs of graduate level courses (instead of 30)…. Nonetheless, later-on, after reading board requirements on their web site, I think, my questions were not completely understood. He was talking about how to count the acct hours, not the total hours…

    Got my BEC exam in less then 2 wk… pretty much, got all my focus on the test… I will send them a letter / email after my exam to follow up, and to find out…

    Will let u know 🙂

    Tks again,

    3 Letters

    The hours requirement has two parts to it: the total 150 hours and enough hours in accounting (30 undergrad or 18 grad). Grad and undergrad hours are worth the same amount for the 150 total.

    I am literally one credit short of 150. I tried to see if I could take a some seminar or one credit course on music or art at a local college to get it over with and just finish my masters at my own leisure. I looked it up and apparently it won't work. I forget the exact wording but any undergrad credits have to have been used toward a degree.

    I don't think Mass has many loopholes.

    REG - 96, FAR - 92, AUD - 77, BEC - 78


    3 letters – thanks for the info, that was what I basically got from them as well since I'm going to be hard pressed to get the 150-credit hours due to work and the school's classes I'm going to…. oh well maybe someday that will fix it…

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    TKS 3 letters – very useful information.

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