Just took FAR… AGAIN. - Page 2

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  • #156828

    Hey Guys,

    I’m down to my last test… I’ve passed Audit, BEC and Reg and just got FAR left. I took it last year for the first time… a week before my wedding… and bombed it. Then I studied a little harder and got a 73. Thought to myself “oh Im close just a bit more and I’m there” NOPE… 69. Then I discovered this site and retook Audit and Reg for the 2nd time… this time Jeff’s patented 20+ hour study weeks, MCQs till you’re blue in the face take notes on everything you don’t know or happened to guess right. Well, I happily passed Reg and Aud that way.

    Flashforward to FAR, now my last part… studied in the same fashion as Aud and Reg… studied ALOT. Its my last part afterall, I can taste it.

    Sit down at the test today… lucky workstation #13. 1st Testlet… HARD, I couldn’t believe it. Stuff I had no clue on despite the studying and it being my 4TH ATTEMPT at FAR. 2nd and 3rd testlets seemed like cake in comparison.

    I’m sooo close to being done with this test, but feel absolutely beat down from today’s test!

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  • #209056

    I'll be fine………the dumb mistakes on top of the far out ones is what is bring me down………won't happen on exam

    good news is when I retake it I get like a 98


    Now I'm super nervous… FAR released today… I could be done as early as tomorrow morning. My stomach is doing back flips.




    Congrats CPYAY!!!!!!!!!!! Now, did you think the exam was easy? How did you assess the exam and difficulty?



    If anyone deserved to pass the beast, it was you. Congratulations!!! You are done!!!!


    now now there ; we all deserve to pass; I can see the light at the end of tunnel omg I hope it's not a train..!!!

    yeah; I would like to know CPAYAY's take on the FAR section


    Thanks for the congrats guys/gals!

    I did not think the test was easy. I studied a lot for these tests, and I passed, but especially on this FAR sitting, I was convinced I failed, almost to the point that I almost started studying again. Luckily I had the ethics exam to entertain me and keep me from studying for FAR still.

    My SIMs were wild and the MCQs for both my audit and this far test it seemed like my 1st testlets were harder than my 2nd and 3rd, which is a little aggravating, especially after you read about the medium hard leading to the difficult testlets if you do well.

    That being said though… I revamped my study strategy (as I noted in my original posting) for these three tests and passed them first try. I shared my strategy with a couple new staff at my firm, and they're passing first try. I guess as long as you're in the 80s or 90s (or sometimes high 70s) on Becker (or whatever review you're using), with a strong dose of confidence you are fine. The confidence helps prevent the tailspins you might encounter when you first read a question and think to yourself, “I dont know this!” you end up calming down going “I can do this” and you end up knocking it out afterall.


    FAR grades are up at least for Puerto Rico!!!

    I am not a happy camper I failed 70; it wasn't that far at least

    Jeff what is your recommendation in this case I'm using Becker's

    Please advise



    i took FAR yesterday & i think i completely bombed it =( I used Becker and their Final Review

    any advice as to what to do now? I passed Audit in August, so I am not sure to move on to Reg or BEC or to stick with FAR


    OK seems that those that think they FAILED ACTUALLY PASSED and those that think they PASSED ACTUALLY FAILED……hmmmmm, I might have a chance with FAR….LOL….


    Hey, I thought I'd fall within 73-80, and I found out today that I pulled a 91. Similar to my REG experience. I really think I was strong on the sims and memo-writing, because I was not at all thrilled with what I was seeing on the second and third testlets, outside of the governmental/NFP questions. I couldn't possibly have done *that well* on the third testlet.

    From reading posts, it seems that thinking you actually did well on any of these exam sections is not a good sign. It seems to be better to think you might have failed. lol


    Congrats Patrick909, good thing you felt unsure about the exam…….lol, but I had no doubt from your previous comments on how fast you moved through your test…….!

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