Just took FAR… AGAIN.

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  • #156828

    Hey Guys,

    I’m down to my last test… I’ve passed Audit, BEC and Reg and just got FAR left. I took it last year for the first time… a week before my wedding… and bombed it. Then I studied a little harder and got a 73. Thought to myself “oh Im close just a bit more and I’m there” NOPE… 69. Then I discovered this site and retook Audit and Reg for the 2nd time… this time Jeff’s patented 20+ hour study weeks, MCQs till you’re blue in the face take notes on everything you don’t know or happened to guess right. Well, I happily passed Reg and Aud that way.

    Flashforward to FAR, now my last part… studied in the same fashion as Aud and Reg… studied ALOT. Its my last part afterall, I can taste it.

    Sit down at the test today… lucky workstation #13. 1st Testlet… HARD, I couldn’t believe it. Stuff I had no clue on despite the studying and it being my 4TH ATTEMPT at FAR. 2nd and 3rd testlets seemed like cake in comparison.

    I’m sooo close to being done with this test, but feel absolutely beat down from today’s test!

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  • #209041

    Love your name “CPYAY”.

    Bless your heart, I admire you for hanging in there. I hate FAR with every bone in my body right now. I mean I really HATE everything about it. I know I will probably fail when I take in in January because I HATE IT. To take it 4 times has got to seriously wear you down, but I truly envy your fighting spirit. I hope you pass this time!


    I sure hope I pass this time too! The SIMs got me uneasy though. I'm almost tempted to keep studying just so everything stays fresh, haha

    4 times does seem like a lot, but really… the first time was my first exam and right before my wedding… I always got A's in school so I figured “Watch the lectures, do the homework, and study a little bit and you'll pass” haha, obviously I was wrong. I studied a bunch for the 2nd attempt, but no where near as much as I have for my passing audit, reg or this last attempt at FAR. The 3rd attempt was really just me thinking I could cram for a week to get those extra couple of points and come out on top. The problem being for that, is that FAR is such a huge broad spectrum of things that whats tested heavily one time might be light the next and vice versa.

    We'll see what happens…. I got an ethics exam to keep me entertained until the scores come out so hopefully I won't give in to the impulse to study too much in the next couple of weeks!


    dang; it is the easiest one……..I heard the worst one is Reg and then some else said it was BEC and yet another said AUD………..I guess they all suck and it just depends on how well you roll the dice once you sit down at the prometric high stakes slot machine…………


    FAR is not the easiest exam…the general consensus is that FAR is the toughest exam…very broad range of information tested.


    yeah it is alot of material……to me I think it is hard but then again I think all of them are equal as far as hard…..but some ppl swear one is easier then the rest but I think it is just the study mode phase and material they liked more then the rest that made it easy


    I took FAR this past Friday, it was damn! hard……I studied the hardest and longest for FAR, but the questions I got were tough on all my testlets….made me feel I didn't study……I most certainly feel I failed…..

    BEC 77, REG 74, AUD 70, FAR not good…


    cool …….it is the normal way to that feel; good luck maybe you have passed……….may the acctg gods send a win your way

    the worse I feel the better my score


    thanks, I felt totally opposite with AUD, I thought I scored super high maybe 90-95 and wound-up with a 70…lol For BEC I hardly studied, about 5 days, and passed, maybe less is better….lol


    yeah maybe……it is hard to know once you start memorizing questions……..less is better for BEC for me…….less with FAR I hope…….I did not memorize any questions with it……….sit for it on the 24th and plan to just keep randomly visting a 100 problems at time by random…….no one section for me just mowing through them and trying my best to work them if I get it wrong I work it out and move on……..everyone I know says FAR is the easiest….I dont see it but I do know one real moron that passed FAR and then timed out b/c they could not pass the others in 18mnths………


    Cowpatty, you're on the right path!…..FAR was super hard for me, made me feel like a moron! I stuck to my review course outline, but the exam was unlike my review course, it was kinda alien to me! I had no more than 6 or 7 MCQs in for Govt. and NFP combined!…………….I'll be ready in January….


    Who said FAR is the easiest? They don't call it “FAR” for nothin'……it's long and “far,” just look at the thickness of your review book.


    I definitely don't think that FAR is the easiest. There is soooo much information ( like Patrick said just look at the thickness of the review books!)


    most of it is easy and then from out of know where some crazy crap…………makes me want to become a gambler of high stakes poker………..

    can't get out of 70's in my random selections of 100 questions…….test in one week …………ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poop


    I studied a lot for this test… and the Becker randomly drawn 100 Q “Simulated Exams” the highest I ever got before taking the test was an 81… if I took out the stupid mistakes I made where I knew the topic but got tricked it would have been like an 86. Compare that to Reg where I got a 92 on Becker (79 real exam) and Aud I got a 100 on Becker (84 real exam) BEC I had a 72 on Becker. (77 real exam) So cowpatty… there is still hope!


    man some stuff they make diff even though it real isn't………heck with this I give up

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