If I take FAR on 10/9 & fail, will I still be able to retake in 2010

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  • #158339

    I’m still kind of new to the scoring process. I would like to squeeze BEC into 2010, but my main priority is passing FAR. I don’t want to push it back, but will I even have a chance to retake it if I failed. I’m stressing out about this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    I wish the test was available every month

    Audit Passed
    FAR Passed
    REG Passed
    BEC ??

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  • #234933

    You can only take a section one time in each window. If you take FAR in October, you cannot take it again until January/February Window.

    FAR 10/18 - 81 | BEC 10/26 - 83 | AUD 11/29 - 80
    REG 02/28 - 71, MULLIGAN 05/19 NTS 4503

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