I just graduated College. I have trouble motivating myself

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    I just graduated college 2 months ago, Dec 16, 2019. I got an Auditor internship during the first semester of my senior year (April 2019). I later got a full-time offer 2 months (Oct-2019) before my graduation with a promise of a raise (10k-15k) as I was being paid as a student but working as a full-time auditor since April 2019. I quit my auditing job on January 13, 2020, as I didn’t like the firm, busy season hours, and most importantly to study for the CPA exam since I heard its better to study for it right out of college.

    Long Story Short. I have no motivation to study for it right now. I want to take a break from “the books,” but I know its a bad decision. I purchase Rogers CPA elite course. I planned to study for FAR, AUD, REG, and BEC in that order. I got a part-time job as a junior Accountant which I like a lot better than auditing and it gives me the flexibility to study and work part-time in accounting.

    I need some motivation! Every time I think of studying FAR I feel like its an uphill. The FAR book is huge. I need some tips to study better and most importantly how to be more efficient in my studying. I have not set up an exam date yet although I have been approved already. Any help is appreciated!
    I am 36 if that helps.

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  • #2953298

    Do it now, the older you get the harder it gets.
    Interesting move quitting an audit job in January, sounds like you left your team high and dry right as they were getting into busy season, no?
    FAR is a beast, and will completely demoralize you. Figure out how you study best. For me it was watching the videos and jumping right into the MCQs. I just could not sit there and read that book so I used it for reference only. I think FAR has about 44 hours of videos, so start with the first chapter, watch all the videos, then do all the MCQs, and move on to the next chapter.
    Reserve one day per week for a cumulative review to keep the topics fresh in your mind or you will forget so much.
    8 weeks study, 2 weeks review, sit for the exam. Start on the next one.
    It's a grind but the sooner you knock them out, the faster you can get back to your life.


    Journey to getting your CPA will be a miserable one if you can't find the motivation within you. Speaking from experience, I tried studying for CPA w/ no motivation whatsoever straight out of college and gave up after a month or so. Tried other gigs for ~5 years and then learned that unless I had a skill set that was readily identifiable, like through a certificate, I wouldn't get far (not saying it's impossible, but it's harder). Few weeks after that epiphany moment, I decided to make use of the accounting degree I had and picked up some prep materials and signed up for online lectures. Did I hate every minute of studying? Sure! Every time I wanted to quit, however, I found that self-motivation that kept me going.

    Encouragements from others can only take you so far. Really think about why you want a CPA license and what value it could potentially bring to your life. If you can't convince yourself it's going to be worthwhile, then don't pursue it. There are plenty of successful non-CPAs in the world.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...

    Biff Tannen

    – I agree with Recked. The longer you put off the CPA exam, the harder it will get. Might as well get it out of the way now that your still young and have no responsibilities. Someday you’ll be married with children and finding study time will be impossible.
    – you should learn to embrace studying. Don’t see it as a chore – see it as an opportunity to grow. The truth is, the CPA exam is just the beginning. If you truly want to be competitive in today’s market, you’ll probably need more certifications to back you up. Unless you stay in public where the only credential needed to advance to partner is the CPA. In industry the CPA could only take you so far. You’ll need a few more tools in your tool belt if you want to advance in industry


    Ur 36 but sound 22…time to grow up and put on your big boy pants..


    @Maxb thank you for comment. You must be great at parties.


    Thank you everyone! I know the value of the cpa and understand the job securities and benefits that come with the cpa. I started late (entered college late) so I know time is of the essence.

    I worked for a public government act firm so busy season was in the fall. I left after the busy season.

    Thank you everyone for the advice I really appreciate everyone’s input even the bone head replies.


    My situation is very similar to yours in that I was not motivated to study at all when I first graduated. Fast forward 5 years, I decided that this was something I really wanted to achieve, so I began studying. I have actually found that my study habits are far better than they were in college, and I also have a better grasp of the material due to my experience (I worked in manufacturing so I got everything from cost accounting to financial reporting and even a little tax and audit). I realize this isn't the typical experience, and 5 years might be too long for a lot of people to wait, but if you are burnt out from school then you aren't going to study effectively and taking a smaller break might help!


    Change happens easier when you look at things from a long term perspective. Right now, you're looking at it from a short term perspective, “I don't want to study now because I want a break right now”. Rather ask yourself, “will I be satisfied for the rest of my life, never becoming a CPA or will that haunt me?”. Life only gets busier the older you become so the sacrifice now will often be less, versus trying for it later in life…

    Using Becker self-study
    FAR: (82) 175 hours - 1st attempt
    BEC: (XX)
    AUD: (69) 45hrs of study - 1st attempt
    REG: (XX)


    get started now. otherwise you will be sorry you did not do it sooner


    Use the basic accounting knowledge now while it’s still fresh. Im sure happy I did, I would’ve been a mess if I had waited longer. If it means anything for motivation, I’m making double what I started at in private accounting and I’m only 25.


    FWIW I started studying at 36 too. We've got enough brain left to make it work! Biggest factors for me were:

    – Figure out when you study most efficiently
    – Be realistic about the colossal time commitment it entails
    – You will feel dumb and demoralized over and over…at that point, stop wasting mental energy and get some sleep 😴


    Sounds like more a self discipline problem here. Bruh stop thinking about it and just do it. Do people need motivation to brush their teeth or take a shower?

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