I just got my AUD Score

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    I took the audit section on November 4. I checked tonight and I failed. I used the Becker CPA review and will use it again to study and retake the exam. I am currently studying for the REG section. DOes anyone have any advice?

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    For Reg I used Becker and I believe it prepared me very well. I knew the flashcards, practiced researching the tax code in the simulations, and did a lot of multiple choice questions.

    I'm struggling with Audit for Becker and I am trying to figure if i should switch to another review course. I have friends who used becker and passed all four parts, but I can't seem to be able to pass this section with Becker.


    Thank you for your reply. I am hoping that Becker will help with the other three sections. I have just started the journey towards passing the exams.


    I took the AUD exam twice and passed both times – my first score expired. I had Becker materials the first time around, lost them (seriously), and decided to purchase the Wiley book instead of spending money on Becker again. The second time around, I used Wiley again to refresh and to study the material that had changed. I think that the Wiley books have questions that are very comparable to the actual exam. With AUD, it's all about reading and being able to recognize the little nuances that make each question different. The material itself isn't that difficult, but in my experience, even an auditor can have trouble with some of the questions due to the way they are presented.

    There are some review courses that use the Wiley books in their instruction (perhaps Yaeger is one?). This might be something to look into if you are really struggling with the material.

    Another thing that helped me tremendously was making my own flashcards. I know that you can buy them from most review courses, but the process of taking notes and writing down the stuff that you don't know can help to reinforce the concepts. Just my thoughts. Good luck with the AUD section – you can do it!


    Hopeful_in NC – Congrats on AUD!

    I failed AUD with a 70 using Yaeger and Wiley…….I thought I would pass, but I guess I must be going wrong somewhere…

    I got my Candidate Performance Report and it showed I was WEAKER in


    REVIEW – 67


    Do you know in which Modules of the Wiley book I can find the above content areas?

    I inquired both with Wiley and Yeager and they don't know?


    TampaAccountant – I will be happy to look when I get home this evening to see which modules of the Wiley book match up! Sorry I can't answer your question right now…


    Tampa – I can put you in contact with Dr. Bulmash if you would like to speak with him.



    Hopeful_in_NC thanks for taking the time to look into Wiley.

    Hey Jeff, thanks, I already spoke with Dr. Bulmash and he told me he doesn't know. He did call me back promtly when I left him a message.


    Well – only the AICPA really knows what is included in those metrics…


    I agree that only the AICPA can really tell you what's in the metrics. But if it's showing that you are weaker in the Review area, there are portions of the Wiley book that have questions dealing with that topic. Maybe I misunderstood your question, TampaAccoutant. My apologies.

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