Excellent post! I actually ask myself these questions daily when I sit down to study. Sometimes it seems like most of the time my motivation is the thought of passing the exam; sometimes it's completing a unit so I can watch my favorite movie. I agree whatever makes you want to study and enjoy it (as much as you can) helps you continue on. This is gonna be a long journey for me since I have a very busy life with two kids, full-time job, and other family obligations I can't avoid lol. I too am like you CPABound, failed my first go around but hopefully we will have a better result next time!
CPABound- I noticed you are gonna try to fit FAR in November. What's your plan?
BEC - 60, 71, 79
AUD - 73, 66, 87!!!!! Yes! I am done!
REG - 74, 76
FAR - 75
Yaeger Review for all except my last AUD score (Roger)!