I can't take it anymore! - Page 2

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  • #159335

    I am awaiting anxiously for my FAR score (taken on 11/29) and am making myself sick to my stomach. It seems as though everyone got impossible exams and I thouhgt mine, while tricky in many aspects, was not all that bad. I am also aware of how the exam is suppose to progressively get “harder” if you are doing well but did not experience this (questions just got wordier). Has anyone passed FAR and came out of it thinking they did decently?

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  • #259139

    And the week of F5'ing begins!

    As scared as I am about the outcome of my FAR exam, I just want to know and be done with it! I'm really praying they don't decide to torture us like they did in the first wave results!

    Are any of you actually able to study for the next exam with the fear of the previous one over-looming?


    Completely unmotivated to study anything! I should have kept studying FAR because I know I failed it again and I have no motivation to study BEC yet because I know I need to get FAR out of the way while it is still fresh. For some reason this time I remembered a lot of the questions and realized afterwards I got most of them WRONG!

    Once I get some news on FAR (pass or fail) I will get my butt in gear. I just hope we get our scores this week.

    Yes, the F5-ing has begun.


    CPAwannabe don't worry I am in the same boat. I have not picked up a book since I have studied and I have busy season ahead of me. Just remember, wwe don't need to do the course over just rereview material we know and go over material we were fuzzy on plus IFRS :(. I was surprised to see you stating that we may get results this week? Please explain.


    Well… I think BEC will be released by the AICPA Wednesday and something will release either Thursday or Friday.

    Last wave BEC was Wednesday,11/17. FAR was 11/18. REG was 11/19. AUD was 11/22.

    Most NASBA states are now posting the same day as the AICPA release.


    I am hoping you are right. i am not able to view video so I can not see Jeff's responses. I posed the question in another thread and they said Monday the 20th. Time will only tell. I am suppose to go to Atlantic City this Friday and it would be great if I passed and celebrated. Fingers crossed.


    That would be a sweet celebration for sure.

    The last wave was different. I've been following the score release for over a year and have never seen scores come out on back-to-back days like they did in November. I am hoping and praying they will do this again – this week!!

    I keep telling myself it will be next week though so I won't be disappointed when they don't come out.


    I feel like I could resort to shuffling down the street in my bathrobe and slippers at any moment. Of course, my job, my kids and husband and the holidays *might* have something to do with that.

    Part of me is ready to get my dang score, but another part is enjoying the bliss of ignorance! I feel like I can manage the unknown up until I know the scores are about to be released and then I lose it. Especially with this score release because of the possibility that this could be the last time I endure the AICPA torture chamber (but the fear that it's not).

    I noticed the AICPA did release scores on back to back days last wave…how freaking awesome would it be if they started tomorrow and released one a day for the rest of the week? I'm sure they're ready to get out of the office for the holidays…at least that's what I'm telling myself!

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