I can't take it anymore!

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  • #159335

    I am awaiting anxiously for my FAR score (taken on 11/29) and am making myself sick to my stomach. It seems as though everyone got impossible exams and I thouhgt mine, while tricky in many aspects, was not all that bad. I am also aware of how the exam is suppose to progressively get “harder” if you are doing well but did not experience this (questions just got wordier). Has anyone passed FAR and came out of it thinking they did decently?

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  • #259124

    Yes, I came out thinking “this wasn't too bad…” Which also made me worry that maybe I failed b/c I didn't think it was extremely hard. My sims were a bit tricky/difficult, but MCQ were not too bad. And I passed. Try not to stress out too bad b/c you may have just known the material so well that you didn't feel it was too hard. Scores come out in a couple more weeks – hang in there.

    REG 85 | FAR 85 | AUD 88 | BEC 76!!! DONE!!!!



    Great screen name!

    I came out of FAR thinking my questions were extremely easy. It was by far the easiest of my four exams. I have no idea why, but it just seemed that way. Don't worry. The CPA exams screw with your mind. If you felt it was easy, you think you had an easy test and thus did poorly. If you felt it was hard you felt you didn't prepare well enough. You can't win! Easier said than done, I realize, but you have to put it out of your mind.

    Also, I didn't have any tests where the questions seemed to get harder. FAR was a breeze. AUD seemed medium the whole way. REG seemed like I was being stabbed in the eye for three hours. On BEC I didn't feel they were particularly difficult, I just flat out had no idea what they were asking on some of them.

    So…try to stop worrying.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    I know how you feel…. day by day I'm dying and worrying about my BEC score. I'm praying for at least a 75!!! The exam felt like a total blur and feel on the fence on either passing or failing (too many random questions).


    OMG.. You are going to be okay. The same thing happen to me in FAR. I study but not well enough to walk in an exam and say “that was easy”. However, when I walked into FAR, the MCQ were sooooooooooooooooooo easy, not wordy, not long and they did not get harder! I passed with an 81.

    It is the only exam, that I can say was so easy. I came back to work and told everyone I HAD to have failed it because it didn't get harder and it was so easy. I swear my questions were not over one sentence and did NOT seem long! My sims of course were crazy though. one sim was on a topic that was only 1 page in Becker and did not have Journal Entry examples in the Beckr review material. I had to completely guess. My first WC was wrong. I realized this in conversation at work.

    I'm interested to hear your score! Good Luck!!! Look at my posts on FAR.. you'll see.. I felt the same as you 🙂


    MrKnowItNone –

    I am so with you! I took FAR on Nov 30th and am hoping that it will be my LAST exam! I walked out of the testing center feeling pretty good about the exam. The sims were tricky but I felt like I was able to maneuver my way through them. There were definitely some items that I was unsure about but felt like I had a handle on the majority of the questions. I *think* my second testlet was harder than the first. I could have also been imagining that to make myself think I was doing well. From what I recall now, my second testlet had a mix of difficult and medium questions.

    Then on the drive home (about four hrs across state) the doubt started to sink in. Now I'm wondering if this is what people on parole feel like. It's like I'm free for now, but I might have to go back to the study prison! I am getting stomach aches daily and I'm sure it's because I CAN'T STOP thinking about that stupid exam! Having passed BEC by the hair of my chinny chin chin just two weeks prior is not doing much for my confidence either.

    From what I've heard, there have been people who haven't even completed the exam and have still passed. That's the ugliest part about the CPA. There are SO many variables and no two people have the same experience. With each exam, ,my belief that I might have passed dwindled by the day.

    Here is hoping that we get passing scores!!

    And btw, whitesoxfan, based on how high your scores are, I'm taking everything you say with a grain of salt 🙂

    Probably Couldn't and Wouldn't Want To Pass Again!!


    I found that timing how long I took in each section seemed to indicate just how difficult it was. Take for example when I took Audit; first section was 18 minutes, second section 45 minutes, third section was around 55 minutes. Now I either was getting the more difficult material or I ran out of steam in the middle of the exam… which is entirely possible. If you're buzzing through at 20 minutes a section and it doesn't get longer, or any other possible variable don't freak out… ok so maybe keeping track of how much time you spent on a section is a bad idea. Oh well, it worked for me!


    Why whitesoxfancpa and MrknowitALL get all the easy questions!:) It seems so unfair. Why I always have all the hardest questions on my exam?

    Guys I think you are not for real. I think you are aicpa's paid agents. Aicpa pays you to post here to keep our spirits up so that we keep paying and taking the exams… forever; so that we tell ourselves: it's my fault I cannot pass, look people score in the 90-ties and they don't even think the questions are hard…

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    @ Farbehind: I totally agree! My FAR was exam was way beyond ridiculous.

    REG - 88
    AUD - 86
    BEC - 77
    FAR - 83


    Paid spy's!?!? LOL. That is comical, but I assure you I am not. Thank you to all of those who have supported me and my paranoid self. It is probabl one of my most stressful times of my life. Just to be clear, I have scored a 75 on BEC (thought I got at least an 85+ score), a 76 on audit (finished the exam an hour early and thought I aced it) and a 77 on REG (which I thought I did well but did not finish the second simulation as I did only the WC). By no means am I scoring in the 90's like some, but for whatever it is worth, I did feel like every time I passed I did well (or well enough to get a 75). Last time I took FAR I knew I failed because they consistently tested me on an area I had not studied. Time will tell and I will post my score. Thanks again to everyone who gave me a piece of mind.


    “Thanks again to everyone who gave me a piece of mind.”

    I don't think anyone gave you a piece of their mind – peace of mind, maybe. :o)

    Hang in there. It's very hard to know for sure how your score will turn out based on the exam experience. It's all part of the game.

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    Don't feel bad. I came out thinking I passed, and I did. I didn't feel that testlets were getting harder mainly because I was well prepared. And they made me wait 2 months for my score! AICPA just enjoys torturing us, don't worry about your score…



    Get a life! Is there really nothing to do in WI? LOL just kidding, just kidding. Great scores, congrats! 🙂


    guys, by looking at all of ur scores made me so jealous of you all.

    since Jeff predicted the scores will be released this week for the 2nd wave, im so worried about my score on AUD.

    I wanna ask u guys, have u ever tried to look up the answer in the books after u finished, and realized u answered a few MCQ and Sim questions wrong? And yet, u still passed at the end realizing a few mistakes u have made?

    God, I am so worried, and im praying everyday to plz give me a chance to pass AUD


    I never look at the answers after the exams….. for me, its a waste of time and can only add stress to the already stressful process. All I could do is done, the only thing we can do is wait (which is really hard for me).

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Normally when I walk out of the test, I remember nothing of what was just on it. It's like my brain turned to mush. This last time I took FAR, I remember everything, and it is torturing me. I'm still studying in case I have to take it again and I keep finding questions I got wrong. It's absolute misery.

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