How did you do on FAR? What did you think about your exam?

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  • #156614

    This exam is horrible. The wait is ridiculous. After coming out of the BEC exam (which I was confident before entering) I was seriously considering quitting. I stopped reading the questions halfway through the third testlet. I got an 84. Thus, the exam has a sick curve. Granted I'm accustomed to knowing everything on exams (college exams) but the CPA does not call for perfection. You just need study a lot so you will be able to answer some questions.

    I'm currently waiting for FAR. (I would pay $100 to escape another week of waiting) The first testlet was amazingly easy. The 2nd and 3rd were much harder but I definetely believe I put together enough to pass those. The Sims came out of left field. I'm a VERY slow writer, thus time was a huge issue. I'm curious to as how much you need to write and how strictly graded are the written communications. (A readable memo should be sufficient.. since the exam is testing if you can protect the public .. i mean you don't need to write amazingly to detect fraud or be an adequate accountant) Overall, I wanted to quit again after leaving that exam. (I felt raped) I didn't answer all the sims and research components but now feel optimistic because you don't have to be "that" good to pass. There's still hope even after you think you undoubtedly failed. Does anyone agree with me about still having a shot at passing despite not answering all sims? .. Also, someone posted they budget 30min for each sim and that is sufficient. Good bless you! I wish I could do that. I need to think before I go at it. I'm a ridiculously slow reader as well .. kills me during the whole test. Good luck to everyone. Hopefully we pass so we can call ourselves CPAs and go to parties where we'll be known as people who can fill out a tax return.

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  • #207196

    I think you might be ok if your MC were strong, which is sounds like it was if the 2nd and 3rd testlets were difficult. With REG, I thought I did ok on the MC but I totally blew the SIMS. I ran out of time and just started clicking and guessing. The 2nd SIM I didn't even finish. I was ready to reschedule when I got my score, 85, jaw dropping experience. So, definitely feasible.


    ahhh FARE is my next challenge!! does anyone have any tips??


    Hey.. took the exam once and failed with a 68. From what I remember I was heavily tested on not for profit and governmental accounting which were new subjects for me. I remember being tested heavily on chapter 7 in Becker. I had many bonds questions as well. Simulations covered revenue recognition,convertible bonds, interest rate swap, cash flows statement. Basically for FAR you have to know everything inside and out and I would not recommend sitting for this exam unless you are scoring 80-85 on the Becker HW questions. I am new to this forum and want to thank Jeff for creating a site like this. I was ghosting for the BEC results and it was torture waiting for them this past window. I was glad to find out I received a 79 on BEC. Now off to studying FAR which will be my second time, but the LAST time..


    I have written a large five paragraph and a short 1 or 2 paragraph memos for the communications throughout the exams. My first review course I took told me to write a structured lengthy memo while yeager (used CRAM for AUD) recommends only a few sentences for AUD but more importantly clear, concise and well structured. I passed FAR and REG writing long memos and passed AUD writing very short memos. Just make sure you have a well structured and grammatically correct memo.

    You definitely have a shot at passing. The second sim I received on FAR was extremely difficult and I was short on time so I wrote the memo and did the research then attempted the calculation portions of the sim which I ran out time and did not complete all fields. I still passed and you could as well.


    how did everyone feel coming out of the FAR exam? I took it yesterday and it was by far the toughest of the four exams. The only part that I didn't think was that bad were the SIMS. I've heard that many people think they've failed right after the exam, only to find out they scored in the mid-80s.


    I haven't taken FAR yet, but I am having major difficulties with Lecture 2 from Becker. I have done the M/C a million times and I still miss nearly all of them. I feel like the book is giving me very little guidance, mainly theory, then I am expected to work all these complicated problems, many of which provide no explanation as to why the answer is calculated the way that it is. I haven't had this issue with AUD or BEC, and I'm starting to panic. Is this a for sure sign I am going to fail?


    Becker is notorious for having questions that are very difficult. I just took FAR and I averaged around 70-75% on the MC right before the exam, and that was when I felt prepared to take the exam. It's sometimes better to study the MC and be able to solve them as opposed to reading the book cover to cover.


    Yeah, cmb2009, that is exactly why I switched to Yaeger Homestudy from Becker in the middle of my studies, for FARE only… they do many MCQ with you and explain techniques to do them – I find that extremely helpful.

    And just like you I didn't have this issue with BEC and AUD.

    I think, Becker's FARE (as much as I love and respect them for BEC and AUD) is for people who already know how to do most of the stuff in financial accounting. It is just a review course highlighting what you need to know.

    On Edit:

    P.S. I know that my step was radical and costly, so, if I were to give advice to people who struggle with Beckers FAR, I would recommend buying Wiley book and using it as a supplemental for difficult concept explanations – they do a pretty good job. (I did Yaeger cause I'm lazy, and it's easier for me with the lecture).



    I remember Becker Lecture F2 of FAR very well. The homework problems for the first section "Timing Issues" were extremely brutal the first time through. Those 63 questions must have taken me 3+hours to go through and still only got 60% correct. Despite having just finished my masters degree and many of the concepts where not foreign to me. I have talked to others working through the questions and they all agreed, that homework section is the worst, some even gave up right in the middle.

    Do not get discouraged, when I get a question incorrect, I always hit the show text button and read up on the concept or reason I got it wrong. I know the show text button is not perfect but most times it was sufficient in helping me learn the material.

    The one tip I would give anyone taking FAR is do not underestimate Gov't/NFP Lectures 8 & 9 for Becker. Crunching the numbers 18-22% of your exam is covered by Govt/NFP based on the guidelines. With the remote possibility of a simulation, that means approx 1 in 5 multiple choice questions will cover Govt/NFP. I think it can make or break your exam and know individuals where this subject did break their exam.

    FAR is a beast, continue to work all the problems, listen to the lectures again for your weak areas, do the simulations, the final exams, and progress test. I only scored in the mid 60s on the final exam, spent a total of 160-200 hours over 10 weeks between listen to lectures and working MCQ. Happy to say I passed with an 80 first time.

    Good Luck in your studies and your exam.


    Hi —

    I just got back from my FARE exam, and both my simulations had all unrelated tabs. Does that automatically mean I am in Wave 2 (aka a very long 2+ month wait)? I hope not! I waited just about a month for BEC, and that was brutal!

    Thanks 🙂


    Thanks for the advice guys! I feel okay about the governmental stuff b/c I audit for the state so I can apply several of the concepts to real world situations. I am happy to know that maybe Lecture 2 won't kill me! 🙂 I ordered the Wiley book though, just for additional help.

    Wanless Park

    I need your advice. I'm new on this Forum. I passed all modules but FAR. Last week my FAR score has been released – 69 only.

    Actually I'm an IT Business Analyst and not an accountant. Therefore I didn't have too many problems studying for BEC, audit was a walk (88) but I've been really struggling with FAR, since I only had a basic Financial Accounting course in my MBA program years ago. I was enrolled in Becker program and now my software license has expired. I only have 2 more windows to pass FAR, otherwise my BEC credit will expire.

    So now the only material I have is Becker 2008 book.

    My options are: for Becker 2009 course and get a new license, which will cost me a lot of money.

    2. Buy Yeager course and use it mostly for the exam.

    3. Buy Gleim course, which is the cheapiest option I believe.

    Do you know, if options 2 and 3 include this new material on acquisition method? (R-141 or something lile that). Do Yeager and Gleim materials include simulations and sample exams in addition to MCQ?

    Your advice will be appreciated. I was studying quite hard for FAR but it didn't help me to master all topics. The topics I have problems with are consolidations,pensions, capital,bonds (discount depreciation methods) and government/non-for-profit accounting.

    Your advice will be appreciated. My second FAR attempt is scheduled for Nov30.


    Wanless, I'm using Yaeger home study for FAR which comes with 14 DVDs and the Wiley CPA Exam Review book for 2009 which inlcudes both SFAS 141 and SFAS 141R and plenty of MCQs.

    The lectures are excellent and they explain all the relevant topics well as they solve the problems on a "white board" for you…

    I'm taking the exam in two weeks and hope to do well…


    Wanless Park

    I was in the same situation last week. My 2008 Becker software expired. I called up Becker and asked for an extension on the 2008 software. I told them that I only have FAR left to pass in the coming months. He said he couldn't extend 2008 software, but he's sending me the entire 2009 FAR package. Text, software, data and lectures free of charge, I didn't even have to pay shipping. Give them a little sob story. They want you to pass with their program, they want to keep their number up.


    I just took the exam oct. 2, and I had all unrelated tabs also. I feel like I was solid on the mc and the communication/research. The practical simulations however were very difficult, and I'm just hoping that I got some of the points available, and that I did well enough on the mc to carry me to a passing score.

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