How bad did you feel leaving the FAR exam

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    I felt like a lump of coal… was insult on top of mental injury better yet I felt like I was tossed into a den of starving lions covered in chicken blood

    no breaks almost none what so ever even easy crap they made me doubt….this is got to be some cruel joke

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  • #210049

    Well…it sounds like you were doing well. If your questions were easy…that's reason to worry.


    maybe I just felt like dang I wanted to be a little more on the money for once……like with BEC…… really was hard…..for real this time…….I guess everyone is in the same boat as me……all I can do is hope for the best and go back to page one and start over on Monday just incase…….


    Just awful. I couldn't imagine even feeling worse. I studied heavily and was still lost on a few questions. They put wicked twists on them and it was just something I didn't really expect. Got to the simulations with just 40 minutes left. Had to rush through everything. Finished both memos but couldn't really work the calculations in one of them sims. Just threw in numbers quickly hoping for something. Finished all but the last question on the second sim. First testlet didn't seem horrible, second was just brutal, third was easier than the second. I guess I will hope that the second two being tough was a good sign and that I did a good job guessing. I hope that I passed this section because I really do not want to study for it again. FAR needs to be two sections its ridiculous trying to retain all of this information and to have them test you on such petty minor topics with cruel twists tossed in. Oh well! When do we expect second wave to start being released. Do you guys think I should continue studying for this section to retake or move on to audit. Also do you think its a good idea to finish FAR before REG due to the differences between tax and financial? Just searching for advise. Thanks!


    Oh Ok, you make me feel better! I thought I was the only one feeling pretty lousy after the exam! Only, I think I felt like I failed big-time, maybe as low as 40 or probably 50to60. I did OK on the 1st SIM, I only finished the Communication and one tab in the second SIM…?

    Worse part is family and friends looking at me like if I'm some kind of idiot for studying so-much and probably failing…lol.


    I am not going to try and fool myself into maybe passing; it is not worth it; I really don't know…..all my testlets were not as easy as I wanted……first one was not as bad as the other but still harder then I thought it would be……second and third I wanted to throw the cpu out the freaking window…..I got to sims ,,,,and well I nailed the research on both and did fine with the written but the tabs were like crap no time over welmed wore out and blah tic tock ya know timed out on it put something everywhere even if I new I might be wrong and prob was but just did it……..


    if I was you I would move on; if you fail jump back on it and abandon the other


    I test tomorrow afternoon. Any tips? Your posts are scaring me!


    be prepared to be amazed…….invest in some strong alcohol for the night after…….do not drink and drive… not spend all day in awe of the complexity……


    cowpatty – you need to take the night off and relax. its a tough exam, don't let it get to you. It's a great sign that you had such hard questions. I have talked with a lot of people and the worse you feel afterwords, the better the chances you passed. I am on the other side of the spectrum – I know I didn't do well because my questions were not increasing in difficulty.

    REG 78; BEC 84; FAR 94; AUDIT 93


    I thought FAR was going to be like REG or BEC where I kinda new I was doing good during the MCQs. For example, in REG the first testlet was easy and 2nd hard and the 3rd hardest, but I knew I was doing good. But, FAR NO WAY did they throw an easy 1st testlet.

    I don't think any review course would have made a difference!

    Oh well, good luck, I'm getting ready for REG again for next week

    BEC 77, REG 74, AUD 70, FAR (hahahaha)


    thanks all……may the accounting Gods have mercy on our humbled souls

    cheers Tampa I second that


    I take it on Sat, any advice? This will be my second time. These post are scary!


    I honestly felt terrible after I took the exam on October 28th. The multiple choice didn't seem really complicated, but the way they worded them was tricky. The sims were nothing that I didn't study, so I felt fairly confident on them. In the end, I ended up passing, so you can't always go by how you feel. After taking BEC, I felt like I definitely passed and I did. After taking REG and FAR, I felt like I failed, but ended up passing.

    I think it's hard to get a feel for whether or not you passed because of the way the exam is graded. While using the review programs (I used Becker), you are graded based on how many you get right and wrong. But on the exam, it's impossible to determine which problems are worth more than others. If the testlets are getting harder as you progress, you are most likely doing very well.


    It was brutal. Every question had a twist. The lease questions threw something in the bond questions threw something in. I even had a inventory question that had something I had never seen before. It's really hard to give advice. I guess I would just say make sure you know EVERYTHING inside and out. I didn't have many not-for-profit or gov questions. My deferred tax questions were easier than I thought they would be. Everything is kind of fuzzy right now. It's funny how I walk out and barely remember any of the questions that I had. Same thing after BEC I left the testing center and 10 minutes later couldn't remember what I had just been tested on. With BEC I felt better about my answers though. I used Becker for my review and I don't think it prepared me very well. I think next time (if there is a next time) I will buy a Wiley book although it seems every review was missing something. Maybe the AICPA switched their questions up quite a bit. I know come score release I will be freaking out. I don't want to give up hope that I passed, but until then I'm going to be second guessing everything I did. It's impossible to just not think about it.


    I felt horrible. I questioned my sanity about taking the CPA exam since FAR was my first. I was a bit shocked when I got my passing score. So, on the positive side, even if you think you bombed it, it's quite likely that you passed. Said another way: it's normal to feel like a failure afterwards!

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