Hey WV FAR exam candidates

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  • #157943

    This is to all the WV exam candidates that are suffering with me. Any idea on when we may receive our scores? I called the BOA yesterday and they only received a few BEC scores……BEC released last Wed!! Any news would be great!! I’m so anxious.

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  • #231199

    On the NC BOA website (a snail mail state as well) they mailed out BEC scores, released last Wednesday, today. So I think WV probably did the same as that is what happened last score release time. FAR was the third release so a few more days and they will probably receive FAR scores and mail them. I'm waiting on Audit. This extra wait time stinks.

    Good Luck!

    FAR 2/22- 87, BEC 4/14- 87, AUD 5/28- 92, REG 8/30

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