Help! Where I should start again?

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  • #159836
    sixth sense

    After failed both BEC and FAR, I lost my motivation to study.

    In the past three months, I was so easy to get upset and didn’t want to study at all.

    Now, I have to face reality and pick up the material again. I wasted so much time and do nothing important.

    I confused by where I should start again. FAR? BEC? or REG which I planned to do?

    One of my friends told me that I should stick in one section until it is passed. Switch section will lose more time and energy.

    FAR has IFRS now, BEC has communications, and REG seems like an overwhelming one also….

    I am lost. please give me some advice.

    Thank you all

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  • #269944

    I would recommend starting with BEC, then AUD because those are more manageable and will go a long way in boosting your confidence.


    Can you give us more info…..what were your scores on FAR and BEC? BEC has written communication, but they also have Corporate Governance and some other stuff (business structures is now with REG). FAR has IFRS.

    I would say it depends on your previous scores…

    sixth sense

    BEC is 72, FAR is 64. They were both took in the Q4 last year.


    @sixth sense: You aren't far away from the 75 mark! I think taking BEC is a good idea cause you were soooo close to it the first time. Also, I believe that the written communications will help your score!

    Also, “bullandre” is completely right about taking Audit next. I thought it was the easiest exam so far (though many people might disagree and tell you to take FAR before AUD cause AUD tends to get some FAR-related sims).

    Either way, don't give up hope! You can do this!!!


    I'd work on BEC.. you were VERY close and the WC could only help, I've heard that some of the WC contain questions on othr sections. <—- try it 🙂

    In AUD.. it ALL depends on what sims you get.. In Q4.. I “heard” AUD had lots of “FAR” sims, in Q2 of 2011 I “heard” AUD had no “FAR” sims.. it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll depends on what test you get!

    then there is always REG.. which is ALL memorization.. maybe that might be a good idea…..


    Each candidate has a different approach. I think you are like me. I needed to win small battles before taking on the bigger ones. I knew I couldn't commit the long hours to conquer FAR and REG initially, so I started with AUD, and it built my confidence up. That gave me momentum. I cannot even explain in words how much confidence a “pass” gives you. Its like the opposite of how u feel now. If I took FAR first and failed I wouldve probably given up…I'm not as strong as some others who continue to battle.

    that being said I would agree with the fellow posters and go for BEC, then AUD, and build on that…you will also pick up better study habits. When I first started to study it was hard for me to commit 20 hrs a week, now its like not even a second thought when I'm in study mode.



    i agree each candidate is different. My personal opinion is that you should try to get FAR and AUD out of your way as early in 2011 as possible. I “heard” that in Q1 FAR had only couple IFRS questions and probably half of them are pretest. i am sure they will start testing much more IFRS questions as later in the year we get. But at the same time you were so close to 75 on BEC :). I would not start with REG though. either way GOOD LUCK!!!


    Created with Compare Ninja


    I took Audit first so I could get a confidence boost. Looking back I think it would have been helpful to take FAR first. If you're like me and need that boost, I would suggest you finish BEC. Especially if you're good at writing.

    sixth sense

    Thank you All~ you guys are awesome~

    After reading Jeff's “50 things you must know 2011 edition”, I decided to take FAR first, especially when there is not many IFRS questions pop up.

    Though FAR is the most brutal one, it is also the foundamental section to other three.

    I am not a good writer and only have Becker to study, So I will probably take BEC after FAR and AUD.

    I agree with “passed” said, Becker is a bad review for BEC. I failed BEC with heartbroken. I will consider change material for BEC.


    sixth sense

    I used both Becker and Yaeger for FAR and REG. I just did not like Becker's Power Point and instructions about highlighting this and that. Becker is very good at memorization, such as in AUD. However, Becker is very poor in teaching you how to work problems, such as in BEC and taxation in REG.

    If you fail either FAR or REG using Becker, immediately order Yaeger. Do not use Becker again. However, the Becker book is a very good reference book. Additionally, do all of the multiple choice questions in CPA REVIEW FOR FREE. Let's face it, if anyone can do 2,000 questions for an exam, they will pass, or come very close to passing.

    Good luck. Do whatever it takes to pass and never give up. No one can stop you from passing except yourself.

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