Help!! Need your advice, took FAR today

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    Having been a longtime reader of this blog, I’m posting here today for the first time hoping to get some much-needed perspective. Took FARE today, first time, was sure I’d prepared sufficiently (about 210 hours total study time, mostly doing Becker MCQ and answer review), and walked out of the test a total basket case. Granted this has happened to me previously (on both BEC and REG, on which I scored 89 and 90, first time, AUD got a 96 and pretty much left that test knowing I’d at least passed), but today was different. It felt like a total disaster. The first MCQ testlet was dead easy, finished with time to spare, went back and checked those quesions I’d marked for review, and finished that testlet confident that I’d gotten all or nearly all of them. From there it went downhill fast. Testlet 2 was impossible (I know from experience that this is supposed to be a good thing, but I seriously finished it with the sense that I got maybe 1/2 right, tops), and 3 was slightly easier but not much. I marked more questions for review than I could reasonably go back and look at…. really tough. Got to the SIMS with about 40 minutes to spare, muddled through the first, leaving 2 or 3 (? it’s a blur at this point) tabs empty but pretty sure I nailed the written communication and at least some of the first tab (on entries for equity method purchase, but this SIM was all over the place, covering gobs of material and it was all I could do just to read it and figure out what the hell they were asking). The second SIM was significantly easier but started it with about 10 minutes to go, and basically just got the written communication and the research done (confident I got both right) but literally left about 80% of the rest of it blank. Filled in 2 easy correcting JEs on another tab and then the clock ran out. So, long story short, this was just brutal beyond anything I experienced in any of the other 3, and now I’m freaked out and basically depressed. I have a wife and 2-year old daughter and would like to get back to having a life, and after today I feel like that’s not in the cards yet. Thoughts or advice much appreciated…. my window runs out in May, so I’m basically planning to just take a week or two off and then gear up for to start studying for FARE again. By the time I get the score, I might as well be ready to retake if necessary during the first week of July. Fortunately I took BEC first, so that’s an easy retake, but still this blows… maybe I’ll pass, but definitely far and away the most nerve-wracking test of the four for me…. should have taken FARE first, didn’t know it would suck so much harder than the other 3.

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  • #228611

    I would just take a deep breath and relax. You are describing my experience and feelings about FAR exactly. I felt horrible after walking out of FAR – I was absolutley sure that I had failed it BUT ended up passing with a 97. I still can't believe that score!! I put in about 150 hours for FAR.

    It is a good thing that your testlet 2 and testlet 3 were difficult – it means you were doing good with your answers.

    Everyone walking out of FAR feels like they failed it. Based on your scores for the other 3 sections, I think you will pass this exam probably in the high 80s or 90s. I would not continue to study for this exam – I would just move on and enjoy this time with your family.

    If you really feel the need to study – just pick up the flashcards every once in a while to keep the information fresh in your mind.

    AUD 96 ~ FAR 97 ~ REG 98 ~ BEC 92 I'M DONE!!!!


    It sounds like you did well. If the 2nd and 3rd were both killers then you know you did well on the 1st and 2nd. If you can do well on the 2nd, then you probably did well on the third. After that it is just minor points here and there. Relax and enjoy the time a little. There will be time to freak out later. Personally, I enjoy the freak-out while waiting on scores between AICPA release and the Texas State Board release….good times….


    Thank you both for the confidence and thoughts, much appreciated. I've sort of calmed down, after spending most of this afternoon post-exam in shock. Now it's only 8 weeks or more until I know…. trying to look things up from what I remember on the exam, checking specific in Becker FARE text, but it's all a blur now. More so than any of the other three, I found that FARE it was REALLY hard to get it down to one answer (in Testlets 2 and 3, at least, where it seemed as if most of the questions could easily go either way between two of the four options). Anyway, we'll see what happens. I'll hold off studying any more for now at least. Maybe a few flashcards here and there, as you mention…


    I hate the post-exam questioning. I've typically had one or two topics that I've looked up after the exam. Some of this is interesting if you get a topic or two you hadn't seen. Mostly it is just a stress causing thing since there is nothing you can do to change anything after you leave anyhow.

    I'll be with you soon. I take FAR as my last section in 11 days.


    Exam Feelings Cycle

    Step 1.) Months of study and anxiety about having so much material to know and feeling like you can never know everything, but you pound out multiple choice questions until your brain swells.

    Step 2.) Exam day: you have psyched yourself up and hit it head-on. You can barley drive yourself home.

    Step 3.) Post-exam doubt is when for weeks you beat yourself up about those questions you should have known. You also wonder if the third testlet either made or broke you based on difficulty. You question whether you should you keep studying the same topic.

    Step 4.) The torture of the score release process and the agonizing wait. Waiting… waiting… Is this worse than Step 1?

    Step 5.) When you see your official score: elation or depression

    Step 6.) Acceptance


    Gauging by your other performances you should be fine. I felt similarly for FAR and it turned out much better than expected. I was able to fully complete all the simulation tabs but there were a couple that were pretty much guesses anyways. Don't try and assume how well you did on the exam because I think most people are surprised (for better or worse, usually better) at the resulting score.


    To be honest, sounds like you passed.

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)

    The GaJone


    I'd be willing to bet just about anything that you got at least an 85. If everything you said there is true, I GUARANTEE you passed with ease. I'd even say a 95 is more likely your score than an 85, but I'd be willing to take any wagers that you at least got an 85.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    CPA or bust-

    Same experience as you today! That was the hardest test I have ever seen! I felt ALL my testlets were difficult and time consuming. I studied 110 additonal hours for this retake 🙁 and believe I will be studying some more soon 🙁

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂



    The FAR exam., can give a well prepared candidate the problem of time shortage to complete the simulations. This exam needs good time planning for both testlets and simulations. I think that you wasted some extra time in review of the testlets and that time can be spent on simulations.

    You wrote communication part very well. I am very sure that you have high chances to pass this exam.


    FAR and BEC (Passed), AUD (April 2010)

    Syed Zaidi
    BEC Passed, FAR Passed, AUD Passed, REG (Passed), Ethics (Passed), Done


    Well, having analyzed it every which way during the last 48 hours, I think whether or not I pass will end up being a test of just how much the simulations really matter. Agreed, spending time reviewing the MCQ testlets, after a certain point, was probably a misuse of time… when I took REG I ran out of time as well, completed most of the first Simulation, almost none of the second, and ended up with a 90, so who knows… granted, this was worse, but hopefully not more than 15 points worse. With 3 sections down and 1 pending, my big goal is just to finish this thing during 2010, before these major changes take hold and Becker and the other prep courses have to do a major overall of their materials. I'm thinking everyone who takes it in early 2011 is basically going to be a guinea pig, and I'd like to have crossed the finish line before that mess starts.


    CPA or bust – did you get your score yet? Please tell me you received good news!!!

    I had the same exact experience today and I am feeling very down about the whole thing. I barely touched the 2nd simulation. This one was a beast!!! Please give me some hope and tell me that it is possible to pass without finishing….

    FAR 62, 70, ???
    BEC 80
    AUD 97

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