HELP!!! How should I study the night before taking FAR?

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  • #158424

    I’m taking my test tomorrow and I don’t know what or how to study anymore 🙁

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you!!!

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  • #237189

    In my opinion – take 2-3 progress tests, reading explanations very carefully; or bunch of MCQ in the same manner – not too much though. And have a good night of sleep. Take Energy (they sell them in pharmacies or grocery counters here in NYC) or some other good vitamins in the morning (prenatal work hehe) – they really help your brain think.


    also stay off of here since its going to be a busy evening with lots of people getting scores… you'll get distracted… Good luck!!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    i agree with Anna. I would do multiple choice questions and go through them slowly and thoroughly. Dont go on to the next one until you fully understand the concept. I know that is hard, but it will pay dividends on your test.

    Good luck.


    Ana- lol I've never taken a prenatal pill and don't wanna start the night before my test….what if it makes me sick and I can't take the test!!! lolol I'll try an energy drink =)

    Michelle- your right. This site is very addicting…

    I'll go over my notes and focus on the big items – bonds, leases, pension plans, eps, governmental, nfp….lol…don't think I can cover everything!!! YIKES!!!!



    Sorry to go off topic.. Anna, these energy things… are they a pill? and do they have caffeine in them?



    and do multiple choice questions…

    thanks for your input…


    I wouldn't do any heavy study the night before your test. To me, a clear mind is worth more points than a last minute cram will get you. If you don't know something now, you won't learn it or remember it in one night. Relax, watch some TV, read a book, or do whatever else relaxes you.

    Do a few light progress tests or practice tests and relax!

    Tomorrow, show the examiners what you DO know and forget about what you DON'T know and you will pass.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Don't do anything tonight!! It's important to allow your mind to relax before an intense 4 hr test.

    I hate to say this but if you don't know the material by now an extra few hrs of studying will not improve your grade. Take the night off, get some exercise, drink a beer. Do whatever you need to do to attempt to relax and get ready for tom.

    Good luck!!

    FAR - 90 7/29/2010
    BEC - 90 8/10/2010
    AUD - 92 8/31/2010
    REG - XX 10/3/2010


    I agree…either you know it by now or you don't. Refreshing over notes is good…but I wouldnt' cram (although I did before my exam, but I still don't think it is a good idea)

    Realize the effort you have put forth and have confidence in yourself. Stay relaxed for the exam…don't panic. Don't spend any more than 2 min on a MC…its not worth it. If you can't figure it out after 2 min, make an educated guess and move on.

    You can pass the test w/o doing well on the sims….believe me, I did absolutely horrible on my sims. haha in fact they should have subtracted points from my score because of what I did on the sims.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Thanks for all the feedback…I've taken the “relax” method =)

    No energy left to study…

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