Good on MCQs, BOMBING the SIMS – Help?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Sam.
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  • #3222377

    Hello all,

    I have found myself trending on MCQs around 72% with 12-13 days left before my exam. Just looking at MCQs, I am feeling alright. However, I am BOMBING the sims, getting 0% – 35% correct on MANY of them. I am quite concerned here. It makes me feel like I don’t really know as much as the MCQs would have me believe.

    What can I do in the last week and a half of study to improve my SIM performance?? I am completely shocked at this point. I went very light on practicing sims during my initial review of the material. I am giving them a little more attention now as the test approaches and getting worried.

    There are SOME topics where I can get decent scores on sims. These are the exception to the rule.

    How can I best use my time in these last few days to improve on my sims?

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  • #3222467

    Practice, practice, and some more practice! Any time I did a SIM that I bombed in my review course, I would carefully walk through it again and read the answer explanation provided by the review course. It's kind of like MCQs, were you always scoring well on those? The more you do and see, the better off you'll be. You will get to used to the type of SIMs and how they can be formatted. Just like MCQs, SIMs too are a learning opportunity. I would also suggest going through the AICPA sample test, and focus on those simulations and review their answer explanations too.

    I struggled with SIMs too, and thought it would be that deciding factor in passing these exams. Just keep working through them, and you'll do just fine. If I can do it, you can too!


    The good news is, you've been studying the material that's showing up in the Sims, it's just the format that you have to get used to. At this point I'd just focus on familiarizing yourself with the different types of Sims and practicing a few of each, extensively. First by going through it on your own, then with the solution, then trying it again on your own later. Another key part is the exhibits, be sure to practice sims having 6-8 exhibits each. Opening a sim on the exam and seeing 8 exhibits of information you need to consider can be overwhelming, so overwhelm yourself while practicing. Every sim you get through now makes the ones on the exam that much more manageable, whether you feel like that or not. Good luck!

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