Final Review Tips for FAR?

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  • #160135

    Hello all,

    I have literally just finished all of the materials of the Becker Review for FAR, F1-F9. Now, I have exactly 3 weeks until my test date, which is on May 10th. My question for everyone is, how should I go about preparing in these final weeks. I deliberately went through all of the material, and took a lot of notes, but I don’t have much committed to memory at this point.

    So, what advice do you all have for me? Does the AICPA sample material help at all? Should I just stick with my Becker and watch the videos again, and crank through questions? Any help is much appreciated.

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  • Author
  • #281617

    (One of the) absolute BEST pieces of advice I got for reviewing information (and I didn't want to believe it) was….

    Jeff's advice of re-copying your notes!!

    Sounds far fetched….you may laugh….I did…..but it DRIVES the information home in your brain…..

    The goal of this website is to provide tips to help candidates pass…..this is one of the BEST tips that should be promoted more……..


    1) Re-work every Becker question (even supplemental) 2 or 3 more times each.

    2) Skip the lectures.

    3) Order Becker CRAM.

    4) Do the questions over again.



    how's the final review going? What plan did you go w/ and are any topics more time consuming than expected? I also just finished the material for a first round and have to begin the final review w/ 3 weeks to go.


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