Final days in window.

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  • #159750

    For those of you taking exams in this final few days before end of the window…what are you taking? Do you feel prepared?

    I’m taking the nasty Beast FAR Saturday Feb 26 @ 9 am. Not feeling prepared, yet. Have alot to review…this exam is so cruel. Not only does it have so many topics, you have to know the rules, the terms, the methods, the concepts, the journal entries, the natural balances, the presenetations, the formulas, and IFRS…its like each question can be asked 5 ways…

    For those of you have passed FAR I really admire you.



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  • #269542

    I'll be taking FAR on 2/26 also but at 12:30. I've spent this week going over the chapters I scored poorly on when I did my last progress test (2, 3, and 6) I have found I'm improving my scores by about 20 percent so hope that means I'll be prepared. I'll pass this go and then move on to my final BEC test and will be a CPA this year.


    BEC in the morning and I don't know what to expect from the most under-rated section of the CPA exam. I know all the formulas and have studied 6 weeks.

    BEC seems to be the one that people feel the best about but do the worst on, so it scares me.

    I think as accountants we are perfectionist and expect to know EVERYTHING really WELL. FAR taught me that you just need to learn as much as you can squeeze into your brain and hope for the best. I didn't think I'd ever pass FAR but I did and you will too.


    I have AUD in the morning as well. I think I'm prepared….. then I do another set of MCQ and find more answers I DONT know 🙂 Like CPAWannabe said, you just have to squeeze in as much knowledge as your brain can handle and hope for the best. Good luck everyone!!!


    AUD – Wednesday 2/23 🙂 I'm better prepared this time around, than last. I soooooooooooooooooooo wonder how the scores are going to look in MARCH!


    BEC on Feb 28. I actually am feeling ok about this one. Even though econ and finance are tricky, I feel like the rest of it is ok. And coming off of REG a couple of weeks ago, I feel like I can do anything. But I'm trying to not be overconfident. This is the CPA exam, and nothing about it is easy.

    FAR - 92 --- AUD - 87 --- REG - 80 --- BEC - 87
    A licensed CPA in Louisiana!!!

    Dear CPA Exam, You are a beast. But you WILL be defeated!


    hah just checked my Prometric email again and its at 8:30…make sure u guys do a double check…

    thanks for the encouragement about FAR…and good luck on BEC today!



    Good luck Herbieherb!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    You too Herbert. Wish we could switch place and I'll take REG for you haha…



    I think I over prepared for REG but that can't be a bad thing, right? I'm not as intimidated as before with REG and I will do my first final exam today. I know you will pass FAR. We will meet the beasts on the 26th! hehe

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    herbert7890, let us know how they first fian lexam goes. i took mine yesterday and scored 73%. I feel ready for REG but nervous as well. Good luck to you too on the 26th, my test is at 9AM that day as well. Good luck on your last exam! Any REG tips you might want to share since you feel over prepared? Thanks!

    AUD (11) & FAR (10) = 89
    BEC (10) & REG (11) = 78
    Ethics here I come!
    I am a CPA!


    Well I recommend to read the Whole book again, as you will clarify some concepts in the way and also pick up those little exceptions on REG (I have read the Becker book 4 times now). Also, as with any CPA sections, keep doing mcqs until you can answer most of them without too much hassle ( I have done all mcqs from Becker, Wiley book 2011, AICPA released questions from 2006-2010 and some from cpareviewforfree). I also love Becker's flashcards to get a brief of the important topics from each chapter and I plan to read them again the day before my exam (the 25th). I did different simulations from Becker and the Wiley book, but I figured out that Becker integrates simulations on their mcqs (those long questions with 15 diff choices are actually modified simulations). I memorized a lot of concepts, rules and exceptions for REG, in that way, it feels a bit like AUD. I think I'm ready but we will know for sure in march. I wish all of us luck on our exams, lets destroy these tests once and for all!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    My last FAR experience was like a dance on fire. I still think of it every day and cannot believe I passed after all that happened to me. Probably the best lesson learned is that you should not give up no matter how desperate you are during the exam. 30 minutes before my time expired i knew i was failing. I had just opened my first simulation (the old format) and i knew that my ONLY chance at this point was to type the 2 memos as fast as i could and even then my chance would have been very small. But i knew i shouldn't give up. I typed few sentences for the first memo, looked at the other tabs but it was long reading and journal entries so I moved on. I typed few sentences for the second memo and briefly looked at the other tabs. I had few minutes left so i dropped few “no entry” for some JEs with drop down menus just in case i would get lucky and this would be the right answer. I knew i was failing but didn't want to fail without a fight. Not on my 4 attempt… My point is, even if you feel you are failing you should keep going. These exams have hidden mechanisms and you could pass when you least expect it. Just keep dancing on the fire…

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    I delayed my first final exam for tomorrow. I went out with some friends today (I needed it)

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I just took Becker's first final exam for REG (mcqs only) and this are my results. I thought I was doing alright but there were some difficult questions. I will review the ones that I got wrong and use it as a learning tool. This scores are similar to the ones I got from my AUD final exams, but I will keep studying hard.

    # of Qs Correct %

    Testlet #1 – M/C Questions 24 19 79

    Testlet #2 – M/C Questions 24 20 83

    Testlet #3 – M/C Questions 24 18 75

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I got my FAR exam on the 23rd. Even though I feel I am prepared, I still feel that I've got a lots to review.

    I just need a huge confidence boost from people who have given the exam before.

    Good Luck to everyone writing the exams in the last week !!

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