Feeling after FAR - Page 2

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  • #158212

    I took FAR the other day and it lived up to its reputation as being difficult. I studied a lot for it and felt pretty prepared going in. I don’t really know how I did though because I felt similarly after taking AUD and I ended up getting a 91 on that. I did well on the first FAR testlet; 2nd and 3rd were definitely harder I think I did ehh/OK but I was pressed for time on the sims. I did the research questions and written coms (I think I got the research questions surprisingly, and I wrote decent essays). I didn’t have time to answer all the tabs, I know I picked up a few points on the ones I did complete. Does anyone have any idea of how I did who took the exam before? I really hope I got a 75.

    Undergrad - May 2010; Masters - August 2010
    NY Candidate, Becker, Start w/ Big 4 in January
    AUD (4/15)-91; FAR (7/26)-85; BEC (8/28)–87; REG (11/3)– 92

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  • #234725

    lol, i am taking FAR this coming Thursday 8/5, and reading your comments makes me rather scared…but I'll have put in close to, if not over, 200 hours for this test. If I don't pass it, I would rather find out after I take AUD, at least I'll still retain some confidence before taking it on 8/24.

    good luck to all of us…i hope we all crush it!

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    oh wow duh… sorry I feel stupid now. I KNEW that I just forgot momentarily :D.

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Florida_Candidate – i took REG November 2009 and it was so ridiculously hard i walked out of that testing center KNOWING i failed. i was so pissed off because i studied really hard for it and felt that i had wasted my time. turns out…i got a 90. i was SHOCKED. to this day i still don't know how i pulled that off…but i did. so just try to relax and focus on AUD! it is much easier compared to FAR and Becker does a good job explaining the material. keep looking forward!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Just got back from my second try on FAR

    WHAT WAS THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I cant even decide if the testlet was harder or easier than the one before …

    I clicked on 8 question every testlet to review, never got the chance to do it.

    I failed FAR The first time on 68 after leaving on Sim comp. Blank and the other i did only the written com. i knew that i did ok on the MCQs , but this time, i have no clue what i did

    anybody on the same boat ?

    Reg 93- BEC 81- AUD 88- FAR- 68 / 80 !!
    I am DONE !


    FAR was my first one and the worst one. After the test, I had my self convinced that I must have failed it completely. I started suffering from some minor stomach pain during first tablet, then I sucked it in, and started Tablet 2, then the pain just got worse. I rushed thru Tablet 2 as I really needed to take a break… I didn't have time to finish all the simulations. Surprisingly I ended up with 82. So happy…

    FAR 82, REG 88, BEC 85, AUD XX


    SEEKOR so in short when checking your answers on each testlet, you didn't feel that they where the right ones? I guess am wondering why felt you had failed FAR? Where questions not what you expected?? Hope what am asking makes sense 🙂


    I also felt terrible immediately after taking FAR. I feel pretty confident about the multiple choice questions, but not at all confident about the simulations. I would estimate that out of the 20 points on both simulations excluding memo, I earned and realized 7. I've read other discussions here where FAR test takers felt as though they completely bombed both simulations but still passed, which calmed me down a ton.

    SEEKOR: How do you think you did on the FAR simulations?


    I didn't feel anything after FAR – I went home and went to sleep for about 12 hours then watched a marathon of Scrubs.

    If nothing else, I was glad I didn't waste all the additional time becoming a doctor, only to see Obama ruin the profitability in the Healthcare industry. I've seen two of our $20m+ clients voluntarily sell their practices this year.


    Hope and Change. 🙂


    Jeff , I couldn't have said it any better myself :))


    you will hope you have some change left in your pockets after this administration is done with ya

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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