Feeling after FAR

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  • #158212

    I took FAR the other day and it lived up to its reputation as being difficult. I studied a lot for it and felt pretty prepared going in. I don’t really know how I did though because I felt similarly after taking AUD and I ended up getting a 91 on that. I did well on the first FAR testlet; 2nd and 3rd were definitely harder I think I did ehh/OK but I was pressed for time on the sims. I did the research questions and written coms (I think I got the research questions surprisingly, and I wrote decent essays). I didn’t have time to answer all the tabs, I know I picked up a few points on the ones I did complete. Does anyone have any idea of how I did who took the exam before? I really hope I got a 75.

    Undergrad - May 2010; Masters - August 2010
    NY Candidate, Becker, Start w/ Big 4 in January
    AUD (4/15)-91; FAR (7/26)-85; BEC (8/28)–87; REG (11/3)– 92

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  • #234710

    I took FAR today, 7/30/10 and it was by the far the hardest exam I am ever taken. I used the Becker material and did everything and I went into the exam feeling prepared. It seemed like nothing I studied was on that exam. Well a few things were. I don't even want to discuss the simulation. I was ready to hit the “quit exam” button. But we will see, I hope I pass because my plan is to have all the exams done by Nov.30. Audit is next and I sit for that on August 30. Hopefully I will find out my score by then so I know what to study for, for the October 1st. date. Either FAR, again, or Tax.

    Is there a curve when the exams are graded?

    AUD 57,{75}
    REG 65,{78}
    FAR 64,68,72,{75}
    BEC 68,{78}
    Becker 1st Time Around in 2010. NOW, Becker MCQ's & Wiley TestBank W/Ninja Notes 2012-2013

    GSU Josh

    Guys, I wouldn't worry about if for now. Just gonna have to wait it out. I felt horrible about my FAR test and even ordered a new book (old one had misprint) for restudying. I even entertained the thought of continuing to study and take it at the beginning of July. Good thing I didn't because I would have wasted my time. I ended up passing; it was the greatest day ever. And I would agree that it seemed like everything I studied was twisted in the craziest ways.

    The AICPA says there is no curve, but I don't believe it. Why would they wait to release scores in only two waves, and how are they able to maintain about a 45% pass rate every quarter? If it truly wasn't curved, some quarters may have a 70% pass rate and some may have a 30% pass rate. No way the statistics would prove out to 45% every time. I'm not complaining, though, as I believe the curves have helped me.

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    The exam is not curved in the traditional sense of the word. Questions are weighted. See here for the AICPA's detailed explanation of grading:



    GSU Josh and Shamir215. How close are the questions in the exam to the study material you all used? Am using Becker material and just started chapter 4. I sit for the FAR exam on 8/30/2010 and so worried I may not cover everything. Did any of you experience what am going through now and any advise??


    Just forget about the exam until scores come out.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

    GSU Josh

    I used only Becker and nothing else. It honestly didn't feel like enough though. I think all general topics were probably covered, but there were so many twists that you almost had to infer on your own. I remember some of the craziest, backward problems that were very different from Becker. Not to worry you, but I can honestly say it was the hardest test I've ever taken in my life.

    I would recommend going through all the MC at least twice and sims once (not research and wc) and reading/skimming the book to make sure you've covered everything. It's without a doubt the longest and roughest section. Once you get it over with you will feel like the worst is done.

    You may see where I failed AUD and passed FAR, but I must note that I put probably triple the time into FAR as AUD.

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    I took far 2 days ago and I cried when I left the exam. It was my first section and I'm just positive I failed. I have AUD scheduled 8/23/10 so I'm forcing myself to put FAR away and just focus on AUD because I won't know if I even passed FAR until after the AUD exam and it would be stupid to sit here and study for FAR when I can't take it again until October…. This is so frustrating.

    Sorry I just needed to vent.

    Oh and I I used Becker… and I think Becker was good I just had a few shaky areas that I thought ‘oh one or two shaky areas is okay” and then I went in there and it was like the whole freaking test were my “shaky areas”. If I have to redo FAR I'm going to make sure I don't feel shaky ANYWHERE.

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Whonis2002. I think part of this exam is knowing HOW to answer the question. There were lots of times where I would go through a lecture and get a 50-60% on the MC questions. So although, I continued to look at the lectures I only saw them once. When you get a question wrong it explains why you were wrong and why you were right. That's were it seemed I had Iearned the most. I also would continue to do the quiz questions until I got a 100% twice in a row, then I would move onto the actual homework questions. upon finishing each chapter I would do the progress simulation questions for that chapter. I have to be honest though, I did not do the supplemental questions which I should have done. So many pass exam takers told me all different things, I guess you have to see what works for you and since everybody was inconsistent I just tried to know everything. But I must say a lot of stuff that I did study I did not see in my exam at all. Like I got ONE depreciation question. I though since there were 90 questions from 9 chapters I would see 10 questions from each chapter. It seemed as though I took a Governmental, Not For Profit, and Bond exam. But I was talking to someone else and they had many Dollar Value Lifo Questions, Of which I know very well, and I didn't get any questions on that. It seems like they know what you don't know and test you on it….LOL I know someone who passed all four on there first try using Becker, so if he can do it, so can we.

    AUD 57,{75}
    REG 65,{78}
    FAR 64,68,72,{75}
    BEC 68,{78}
    Becker 1st Time Around in 2010. NOW, Becker MCQ's & Wiley TestBank W/Ninja Notes 2012-2013


    Florida_Canidate….. I am in the same exam boat you are on. i just took FAR for the first time and its my first exam and I wanted to jump out the window. I also used becker and I put in a lot of hours just to feel as though I fail horribly, I too take Audit on 8/30/2010. and I put in my mind that I will pass one of these exams and I wont know my score either so the only thing for us to do is go in hard on AUD and make sure we pass that so that if we do have to take FAR again we can take it on Oct.1 then take another test in that window. My only thing is that I need to pass FAR so that I dont have to take an exam in the new years format in January 2011. For Audit, I am going to put in 40hours a week up until the exam and I pray to GOD thats enough to pass….LOL

    AUD 57,{75}
    REG 65,{78}
    FAR 64,68,72,{75}
    BEC 68,{78}
    Becker 1st Time Around in 2010. NOW, Becker MCQ's & Wiley TestBank W/Ninja Notes 2012-2013


    Shamir215 and GSU Josh thanks for the insight,am actually studying chapter 4 today hopefully I will be done by the end of today.


    @whonis2002– I am going through chapter four today as well; this is my second time through the materials, and I'm doing the supplementals as we speak. The first time I did the hw, I apparently didn't retain anything because my scores are not good whatsoever. This is my first time though the supps, though.


    Also, supplemental questions are generally more difficult

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    I agree italianCPA


    Shamir – It sounds like we're in the exact same boat. Nice to know someone knows how I feel. I agree that the only thing to do is focus on AUD. We already paid for AUD and even if we did find out our scores for FAR before the AUD exam there wouldn't be enough time to reschedule in this testing window anyway. Plus, at least we'll have passed ONE section. I'm planning on hitting AUD harder than I did FAR and add a little prayer and maybe some good luck charms in there and hopefully pass this one :). I just wish I knew if I had failed or passed and if I failed how badly I failed FAR. I just don't know what to expect and that's the worst feeling :(.

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Florida Candidate

    Even if there was enough time to reschedule FAR in this window you can't do it. You can only attempt an exam 1 time in a window.

    I felt just like you guys after the FAR exam, and I'm pretty sure roughly 90% of the candidates feel the same way…just go back and read all the comments on here from the exam last window…

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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