My advice… rip the band aid off when it comes in.
If you pass… best holiday ever!
If you didn't pass, here's some bright side for ya…
1. Second child… you've had a kid, so you know just how COOL it is to become a dad. (assuming Joe is a guy name). This alone is reason to be excited and extra focused for your retake.
2. You have already done the hardest part… gone through the entire FAR review course. Don't start the course over… you JUST took it. (yaeger cram by itself will pass you, I did that in 2 weeks and passed). Do a 3 day review of your book and materials… just to get it back in your head fresh, then hit multiple choice for 1.5 weeks… sit and pass FAR.
3. 95% of the info is already there, read up on IFRS.
Do this, and you will be DONE with the CPA by mid – late January. Promise.
Therefore… a pass is awesome news!! But a non-pass is FAR from the end of the world. Just means you need an extra 2-3 weeks of prep for an exam. I'm a becker student that uses the Yeager Crams… With out those, I fail.
You may want to fork over the $200 bucks (less if you already have the text book) and get the Yeager FAR cram… that will have IFRS in it when it's released in a few weeks.
Please don't read this that anyone thinks you failed… b/c most people on this forum DO pass. I'm just saying, as one former FAR non-passer; I can say, the quicker you get on that horse and accept the challenge to re-take… your holidays will still be awesome! Attitude!
BEC - Pass 10/2010
FAR - Pass 10/2010
AUD - Pass 11/2010
REG - Pass 05/2011