FAR, the beast

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  • #157534

    Hey guys,

    I am taking FAR next week and I am using Wiley FAR book. I wanted to know if it is just me or others have also noticed that some of the chapter mcqs have different answers for the same concept. I am running out of time so I can’t recheck each and every one of those. And do you guys think that there is too much information in the wiley book for FAR? Also I would really appreciate if anyone could tell me how to prepare for the simulations, especially the research since I am only using the book.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • #227727

    Personally, I wouldn't spend too much time studying for the simulations. The sims are just an extension of the MC questions. The only exceptions are the written and research portions. You need to write a “good” essay regardless of the topic. If you aren't really knowledgeable on the subject of the written portion, just be sure to write a coherent response (even if it isn't completely correct). I think that the technical writing aspect is graded nearly as heavily as actual content.

    The research portion is easy. Just type in the main point into the search and then go through the pronouncement. Furthermore, if it is difficult to find the proper pronouncement don't waste too much time. It is worth very little in comparison to the rest of the simulation.

    I think the best thing you can do to get a good score on the simulations is to allow enough time to finish each one. Most study materials recommend 30 minutes per simulation. That is not nearly enough time in my opinion. I'd say you need at least 45 minutes per simulation.

    Sometimes there are very minute details that cause seemingly similar problems to have different answers. I can't think of any off the top of my head though.

    Study hard and do as many MCs as possible. The MC portion will be the most important part of your test.

    I hope this helps.


    Given what AllenA's scores are……..when he gives advice………I'd probably listen! (I know I will…..Wow!)


    Thank you so much AllenA!!!!!!!

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