FAR Study Strategy Advice – Exam on 8/31 - Page 49

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  • #158443

    Ugh that SUCKS!!! 🙁 I dunno how it works for MA though…I know that other people were receiving “contact coordinator” with their message…

    I will be so pissed if my FAR score isn’t up tonight lol today would be a waste of a work day!!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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  • #249550

    I don't get the whole OASIS thing either….my message is still saying: Our records indicate that you do not have an active application or registration at this time.

    Maybe NASBA just never received my score!! maybe they could pass me by default…lol

    OMG…guys just checked the loophole my message now says:

    We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process. If you have questions, please call your Coordinator at the number given below. Please call the number below.




    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Why are you torturing yourself?

    Just check once a day and be done with it. Go do something else with your time!

    I checked my REG score on Thursday because I knew scores usually come out the third week of the month. It happened to be there. I don't know how long it was out there before I checked, but I don't care because I didn't go through the mental anguish you voluntarily put yourselves through!

    I waited just about two months for my first two exam scores. It's a long, drawn out process. Just forget it and check for your score sometime on Monday and hope it's there!

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    @MPoni!!! its looking good!!! I have a question, do you think that the loophole opens up at different times for different states? or if anyone in a NASBA state can re-register and I cannot it is a good sign? I am trying not to freak out and get too excited yet (still cannot register…).

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    @whitesoxfancpa – hahaha forget it?! ya if it only were that easy. I have been at this for the last year and a half…so trust me I know it's a long, drawn out process. FAR is my last exam so there is NO way I can just forget about it. There have already been 3 releases of FAR for this testing window and my score wasn't included in the first 2. I checked this afternoon and I definitely don't think I am torturing myself…it makes me feel better being involved and checking the loophole 🙂 I am preparing myself for Monday night, which couldn't come soon enough.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Hi Trevor!! I am not sure how the loophole works for other states and since FAR wasn't your last section…I don't think you need the coordinator message either. Has the loophole worked for you before?! If so, since you can't re-register it looks good 🙂 all I know is that my loophole message changed and now includes the “exam coordinator” !!!!!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Trevor – I guess I don't think that the loophole would open up at different times for different states. I would think since you can't re-register…it's a good sign! 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I think so too!!! thanks yea I am aware I will not get the coordinator message, as long as I cannot re-register I am good!

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    bump! 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Bump 🙂 lol.

    @MPoni, you ready to see your passing score??? 6 hrs to go… at least you do not have to study prior to seeing it.. ugh I have no motivation for REG, and I like taxation!

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    You guys ready for this score release in a couple hours? Its odd sitting here not having to go thru for the first time since last week… Best of luck!!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    HAHA so not ready, only because more scores were released today, if I do not get a score tonight I will scream for sure. We have already waited almost a full week since the first FAR release lol. Just crazy

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    Trevor – that is crazy!! I didn't watch Jeff's video, god I can't get motivated to study and I'm not even awaiting a grade…

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    Trevor!! I am back 🙂 and yes I am ready for my score….that is BULL$H!T that more scores were released today. I am pretty sure I will get mine tonight and that NASBA has my score only because my OH loophole message changed from Friday night to Saturday afternoon to include the “coordinator”…here's hoping!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    76!!!! by the skin of my teeth!!!!! sooo very excited

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!



    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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