FAR Study Strategy Advice – Exam on 8/31 - Page 18

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  • #158443

    Ugh that SUCKS!!! 🙁 I dunno how it works for MA though…I know that other people were receiving “contact coordinator” with their message…

    I will be so pissed if my FAR score isn’t up tonight lol today would be a waste of a work day!!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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  • #249085

    For what it's worth the ONLY ratios I knew going into my exam were EPS, diluted EPS, and current ratio. I kinda forgot to learn that section in Becker 🙁

    Also, I never REALLY got F8 and F9 in Becker but found that even my rudimentary knowledge from Becker was more than enough! I never was able to figure out Becker's GIANT multiple choice questions related to the gov't and nonprofit questions and was completely FINE on the actual exam 😉 Not to give out any actual question tips, but hope that helps :D.

    You all are going to KILL that exam in the next couple days! You CAN do this, you've all studied so much, just trust in your studying!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    oh.. but i DID have to actually learn all those ratios for AUD so if you learn them now and haven't taken AUD yet, no worries, those ratios WILL come in handy 😀

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Hello everybody! Trevor where are you?! lol I hope you are studying 🙂 I probably won't bother memorizing all those formulas (I didn't for AUD or BEC)…I think for FAR if they are going to test ratios they will test it in a SIM and provide us with the ratios to analyze or something. I only remembered the basic formulas for BEC

    aaah can't believe the exam is in 2 days. I am ready to get this thing over with…

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    MPoni…. Taking a break from studying… logged 2 hours already… I just have to finish GOVT and NFP lectures by tomorrow. I will then be reading over the complete notes twice before the test.

    I should be back later this afternoon…. get to it!

    REG: 5/26 - 90hrs (Pass) AUD: 7/1 - 86hrs (Pass)
    BEC: 7/22 - 72hrs (Pass) FAR: 8/31 - 56hrs (Wait)


    Thanks for the encouragement Idrathergolf! 🙂 I really gotta get a move on…

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Florida_Candidate was it you who mentioned that you cried in the FAR exam??? lol…. why did you cry again??


    Hey guys, sorry been in the book, thought I would check in here lol. @Mponi I did fall asleep last night with my notebook on my chest… Energy drinks failed me. I have gotten to Consolidations… I am just reading my notes though right now, so I am not sure if anything is sticking… I plan to get through my notes and read through the book on fuzzy areas. Then see if I can get my computer going and do some practice tests in the wiley software.. If I can pull of scores in the mid 60's ill be happy! thats what I was getting for AUD so should be good…

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    There you are Trevor!! I haven't done anything yet today..but I plan on starting with bonds and going from there. I am reviewing my notes and the book to see if I highlighted anything in there and then I am going through the minimum MCQs. If I don't know how to do it, etc. I don't waste time on it – I just look in my notes how it was done or look at the answer. It helps me get through the material faster. The amount of material is seriously ridiculous…

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Yea its bad.. last night I started just looking at the questions and thinking about it for about a minute, if I could not come up with an answer I looked at the answer in the back or in my notes (sometimes cindy solves them different..) I think that I really have to go over govermentla and NFP stuff, when I was watching them I zoned out a lot… I might read those chapters in the book.

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    Luckily I took good notes so hopefully enough of this crap sticks and I can pull off a 75! These days are dragging but at the same time I need them to study haha

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Good evening FAR pals… So 1)studying sucks… 2)studying sucks… 3)ummmm studying sucks… and I havent even done all that much today… I am going to be useless at work tomorrow, but I think they will understand. I am to the point though where I feel that I cannot possibly retain/learn anything else. My next step is to do MCQ's until my eyes bleed and try to learn how questions will be asked and also learn through doing… I went and got my work laptop and loaded my wiley software, plan on doing MCQ's till about midnight.. then doing more at work tomorrow. then tomorrow night I will tackle the AICPA released questions..

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    Hello Trevor! Yes I agree…studying SUCKS! I am working on Module 11b now – bonds. I already did Modules 11a and c. I am taking the “learning by doing” approach as well and going over the MCQs with my notes. I think I have a decent shot of remembering how they were solved (hopefully) even with my notes in front of me. We are running out of time!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    looking forward to having the test over with

    going through the final reiew and it is a pretty good product (cram course)

    also looking forward to some sleep!


    Can't lie you folks its been a tough day for me… Taking a 2 hour break then I will try this again



    good luck with the final hours of study in the next day and half

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