FAR Study Plan — Give up on notes?

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  • #161214

    Howdy all…

    I usually agree that taking notes is great to help remember/restudy for most sections. I have the problem of over annotating. I write something about every paragraph and sub-paragraph. This actually worked out pretty well for me for AUD/BEC, but now that I’m studying FAR, I’m realizing that I’ll develop carpal tunnel syndrome or some other debilitating injury by the end of FAR if I write that much. Not to mention, I’m taking Becker Fast Pass in Seattle, and the note taking seriously slows me down, so much so that I doubt I’ll be able to keep up with the schedule.

    I’m thinking of switching to this….Read Becker (after live class), take minimal notes (diagrams, mnemonics, etc), do all MCQs including supplemental, purchase Wiley FAR questions and supplement all sections with a thorough review of Jeff’s NINJA FAR.

    Any opinions? Is the note taking too precious to omit?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • #292130

    I took lots of notes and it did help big time. I had little bits stored in my brain on exam day and was able to pass on my first try! I think it is well worth the time…

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!


    I didnt take any notes on FAR. Remember, the Becker materials are basically in “note” format to begin with. If you have an easier time remembering things when you write it down, then you should probably do that. Personally, was able to learn the material just by reading and highlighting. Each person is different. Good luck!


    I agree note taking is a good idea, but if you are pressed for time, you have all the other methods you mentioned. In my opinion, if you are serious about the work, you should be fine. But others will say No way, you've got to take notes….

    But I didn't take notes and so far have passed (FAR and AUD from last quarter, and don't know yet about this quarter). You seem to have a good system set out, so if you stay committed and go through the material well it is doable. It just depends on how well you're studying with the other methods and what works best for you.


    I am using Yaeger and I took notes on the MCQ's that they went over during the videos and anything they deemed to be “important.”However, I don't think i would be able to write down everything the teacher says while they are reading the book. Too much information for me and too much time wasted. So basically if you're using Yaeger take detailed notes on the MCQ and any little tips or really important things they flat out tell you are “really important things.”

    FAR 80
    REG 76
    AUD 85
    BEC 85
    Ethics 98

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